This page is loaded with websites to help us become informed and help us understand human rights from the international level to the provincial level. There is no longer a need to use the excuse “I did not know” with sites like these listed below and the wealth of knowledge available at our fingertips… We can start living and treating EVERY citizen, including the children of this world with the equality and equity they rightfully deserve.
Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Specific Articles: 1, 2, & 3
The United Nations Declaration on The Rights of Indigenous Peoples
Specific Articles: 2, 11, 15, 24, & 31
The United Nations Convention on The Rights of The Child
Specific Articles: 2, 15, & 19
Section 15 of The Canadian Charter of Rights & Freedoms
Section 2 of The Canadian Humans Rights Act
This website allows users to search criminal codes alphabetical, numerical, and/or categorical.
Note: specific for educators look at section 318 (4) and 718.2