Category: #EDTC300

It’s a Changed World After All

I grew up at a time where technology was just beginning to become more and more advanced. Since I lived on the farm, my family and I were about one of the last ones to receive internet, cellphones, and other technologies. It was roughly 2008 before we got internet...
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Electric Change

I have some BIG news! I am currently moving to a new apartment. When I started my learning project, I was living in a house, so I did not have to worry about the sound of my drums. I had to do some research into how I can continue...
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Tuning it to the Limit

As I said in my last post, I found out that my drums needed tuning. A roommate of mine used to play drums, so he took a look at my drums and noticed they were not tuned. He offered to teach me how to tune my drums as long...
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Rocking On – Learning Project Week Four

This is my first week putting a video of myself playing the drums. I used Imovie to edit a video together. I will tell you about my experience using Imovie and its uses in the classroom. I included a youtube video of the finished project. Check it out below!...
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Twitter Noob

For my EDTC 300 class, we were encouraged to explore the world of Twitter. I have little to no experience with social media. I am on Instagram, TikTok, and Snapchat, but I do not post anything. When I was told that I need to get a Twitter account, I...
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Changing Rhythm – Week Three Learning Post

I am quite proud of my progress this week! In my last post, I was following along with a beginner drum lesson on Youtube. I found that my tempo was very off and I struggled to keep up. I did some more research some tips and tricks to help...
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Beats me! – Week two Learning Project

This was my first complete week of playing the drums. Did it go to plan you might ask? No it for sure did not. I ran into a few problems throughout the week. The first problem was my dog, she would not stop barking every time I tried to...
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Checking out Feedly

This week I explored the website called Feedly. I found some amazing resources by just simply searching some keywords. I struggled for a bit thinking of where I wanted to start my search. I decided to start by searching the word EDtech. Here are some of the EDTech sites...
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Blogging Fail

*I thought I posted this yesterday, but I only saved it as a draft and did not publish it. So I changed my title to blogging fail* First Time Blogging I am pretty new to the concept of blogging. I never really got into it or social media at...
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Drum Roll, Please! – Learning Project Week One

For my learning project, I choose to learn the drums. This Christmas, my sister, and cousin gifted me a drum set. I have not started learning the drums yet and this project came up and thought what a great motivation! So, I am very excited to get started and...
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