When choosing an application I have never used before, that is not only a tool, but will enhance learning for others and myself I choose iMovie, Crello, and Lapseit. I chose more than one because to create what I wanted with Crello, I first needed to make a video using iMovie. I also chose Lapseit because I thought it was a great way to document myself actually beading necklaces, without being twenty minutes long.
iMovie is a very standard video editing software application, compatible with only MacOS. Click here for a beginners guide to using iMovie. iMovie has many great features such as:
- Creating movies or trailers
- Available on Mac and iPhone
- Adding voiceover and audio
- Adding backgrounds and text
- Adding transitions between photos or videos
- And many more!
When working with iMovie, I created a video of different beaded necklaces I have made and added transitions between each photo. I did not add any music, backgrounds, or voiceovers.

On iMovie, I created a video of different beaded necklaces I have made and added transitions between each photo. I did not add any music, backgrounds, or voiceovers.
I next exported this video to my camera roll and went to create an add with an imbedded video on Crello. Crello is a free graphic design tool that allows you to create a masterpiece in a few minutes. Click here for a tutorial on how to use Crello. I believe this application will be useful in my learning project, as it is a small business so I could create business cards, posts, and flyers. I believe this application will be useful in my career as an educator for making posters, flyers, emails, infographics and even my resume! Some of the great features Crello has are:
- Thousands of professional templates to choose from
- Animated graphics, Instagram posts/stories, posters, flyers, Facebook posts, brochures, business cards etc.
- Tutorials
- Photo editing, design objects, animation, and audio
- Free photos, shapes, stickers to use
- Flip, rotate, filter, resize, crop, blur, layer photos
- andddd many more!
Next, I decided that I wanted to create a video of myself actually making the beaded necklaces I am creating for my learning project, and used an application called LapseIt. I believe LapseIt was able to help me greatly to give others an idea of what the beading process really looks like. I also believe this app will be helpful in my future career as an educator to teach students about time lapse’s, and for example use it to display how things grow or change. LapseIt is a free application that allows for you to easily manage and create time lapse videos. Click here for a tutorial on how to use LapseIt. Some of the best things about this app are:
- Works on both IOS and Android
- Adjustable capture intervals
- Cool effects to apply before or after filming
- No restrictions for capture length or frames
- On screen information during capture
- Upload directly to Youtube, Facebook and more
- Easy adjustable settings
- Tested and approved by more than 500,000 people

Overall, I believe the application Crello fits into the ‘Modification’ level of the SAMR model, because it allowed for significant task redesign. I was able to create an ad with a video imbedded, which I would have not been able to do without Crello.

On the other hand, I believe the application LapseIt fits into the ‘Augmentation’ level of the SAMR model, because being able to create a time lapse was a direct substitute of a video. LapseIt created functional change as it turned what would have been a 20 minute video, into an 18 second clip.