I feel like every time I have spare time I am instantly on Pinterest, like, all. the. time. I could be searching for outfits, educational resources, project inspiration, or even beaded necklaces! Pinterest has endless amounts of things, and each photo is hyperlinked with the website it came from, making it easy to find who posted it, what site, and similar things! I feel that I learn so much from Pinterest on a daily basis, the homepage is algorithmic and shows you things similar to what you search for, share, and pin (‘pinning’ is saving a post to a category or ‘board’ so you can find it later!) Just to show a small amount of what things you can find on Pinterest, my categories or ‘boards’ consist of:
- Winter/Spring/Summer outfits
- Hairstyles
- Vision board (photos to include on it)
- Snacks
- Sewing (tutorials, patterns, etc)
- Room Decor
- Necklace making
- Nail designs
- Drawing (tutorials for children and myself)
- Classroom inspiration (bulletin boards, decor, etc)

I have really been enjoying using Pinterest for my learning project, and I have taken much inspiration and knowledge from it. When you search ‘beaded necklace’ on Pinterest, there are endless amounts of photos, videos, and websites connected to that search. When I am stumped on what type of beads to buy, or what pattern to use, I always go to Pinterest! I believe Pinterest is also a GREAT resource for teachers, by searching ‘lesson plan’ you can find many websites full of free lesson plan templates, tutorial videos, teacher binder ideas, etc!

These are just a FEW of the things that come up when searching only ‘lesson plan’, you could even search ‘grade 2 unit plan’ and endless amounts of different unit plans for different subjects would be at the touch of a button. This is definitely something I believe I will use forever! There are just so many things to discover on Pinterest and I think it is an awesome resource for anyone! ?
One Comment
Sarah Breti
Hey Paige!
I love Pinterest too! I planned my entire wedding through Pinterest inspiration and now I am getting inspiration with my future classroom as well as it helps with so many other teacher tips and tricks! Glad you are finding Pinterest so helpful for your project!