Week One: During the first week of EDTC 300 Katia introduced us to the learning project portion of the class, and I was very excited to pick my project. I have always had a liking for being creative and had even tried starting a business in the past, but it had never worked out. I always feel like I’m switching my hobby, but this class made it very easy for me to keep learning and create a solid business. I decided I would choose beaded necklaces, as I had stated creating them just a few weeks before. To begin making necklaces I watched this video, which was very straight forward and…
Managing Orders and Learning
As my business grows, I am finding it more important than ever to keep track of my orders as my brain cannot remember every order itself lol. I needed to find an app that would allow me to organize and keep track of orders when they are made, picked up, and paid for, etc. I decided I would use Google Sheets as I was already somewhat familiar with it and I would be able to make a spreadsheet. This app actually worked very well for what I needed it too, and I can return to the spreadsheet to add more orders as I receive them! As you can see below…
Learning More and Expanding my Business
As I create and sell more and more beaded necklaces, I have so many ideas of how to expand my business to get more buyers. I’ve already gotten requests for beaded phone charms, belly beads, and bracelets, so I have been brainstorming how to make those. I was then talking to my neighbour the other day and she asked if I could make her an anklet, and this sparked an idea, I told her “Yes! I will look into it”. I first went to Pinterest to find some inspiration, and found exactly what I wanted! Next, I went to Youtube to find a video explaining how exactly to make an…
Keeping up with my learning!
I feel like every time I have spare time I am instantly on Pinterest, like, all. the. time. I could be searching for outfits, educational resources, project inspiration, or even beaded necklaces! Pinterest has endless amounts of things, and each photo is hyperlinked with the website it came from, making it easy to find who posted it, what site, and similar things! I feel that I learn so much from Pinterest on a daily basis, the homepage is algorithmic and shows you things similar to what you search for, share, and pin (‘pinning’ is saving a post to a category or ‘board’ so you can find it later!) Just to…
Using new apps to ✨enhance✨ learning
When choosing an application I have never used before, that is not only a tool, but will enhance learning for others and myself I choose iMovie, Crello, and Lapseit. I chose more than one because to create what I wanted with Crello, I first needed to make a video using iMovie. I also chose Lapseit because I thought it was a great way to document myself actually beading necklaces, without being twenty minutes long. iMovie is a very standard video editing software application, compatible with only MacOS. Click here for a beginners guide to using iMovie. iMovie has many great features such as: Creating movies or trailers Available on Mac…
More and More Necklaces
I have been very busy with my small business and learning project this past week, SO. MANY. NECKLACES ?. My best friends have to be one of my biggest supporters of this business, all four of them want five necklaces each, plus I’m getting orders from other friends, and even people in Alberta and B.C.! How crazy ?! I did not expect to even get this many orders, but I hope my business continues to grow! I happen to work at a restaurant ? here in Regina, so we’ve been closed for some time, which gave me lots of time to work on necklaces. We open back up today (if…
Always looking for a hobby
As the title states, I am always looking for a new hobby. By having a hobby I am passionate about I am able to use my free time to do this, and usually is a great stress reliever for me. I have tried many different sports and hobbies throughout my life but can never find anything that actually sticks. Here is an exhausted list of sports I’ve tried; soccer⚽️, volleyball?, badminton?, cheerleading?, hockey?… you get the point haha. I have found recently that I don’t exactly need to do a sport as I am not sure I am very coordinated that way, but I just want to be ‘fit’. I…