Week 6

Part 1)

What I understood from the reading is that changing and creating the curriculum is a complex task. It has a mix of educated people and uneducated people to create the curriculum, they often look at how to teach life skills to help the next generation take over running the country. A large portion of the decision making comes from political leaders and those who have the most power. With their power, they have the influence to quickly change the curriculum. in ways that they feel fitting, this often leads to personal bias which leads to uneducated decisions being made. There is also the influence of communities, sometimes they form groups to express their thoughts and concerns to the government or simply having communication with schools that their children are enrolled.
I never really thought that the community had a say in how education is done but it does make sense and is reasonable for a government to listen to community feedback.

the only big concern is the implementation of uneducated opinion, this is a slippery slope to not having sex education, less lgbtq2+ representation etc. I feel we need to get our personal opinions and bias out of the picture but it will happen no matter what.

Part 2)

I personally feel like the implementation of treaty education is doing very well currently in Canada. So far every class that I have had in the university of Regina has talked about the history of the first nations people or acknowledged the land that they are on. aside from that growing up my elementary school and high school often bring in elders, had environment walks, did projects such as beading and setting up Teepees. Ironically I am displaying my own personal bias saying that the treaty education is being done well, even though it was luckily done well for me, but it may not be good in other schools across the country. I know that from my First nations friends in highschool felt they were being portrayed in a harsh light, constantly making them sound like a weak and defeated people who are still trying to get back on their feet. he felt the way that it was being taught was almost causing more harm than good since it was giving people notions of their culture based on history and not what is happening now.

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