When I was in high school, I signed up for Twitter because that was the ‘in’ thing to do. I eventually fell away from it as I got older and because I just didn’t have time and really never tweeted anything. Having to sign up again made me smile knowing that I get to learn everything over again. I believe that Twitter can be a very informative and helpful tool for anyone who follows the right people. Just like Instagram, twitter can connect you to people all around the world but I feel it is not much used like an Instagram platform which is totally fine. I follow many teachers on Instagram that I have no clue who they are and are in the states, but with the information they provide or the advice they give, I find myself saving their information or writing it down in my phone for my future teacher self to refer back to. Strangers on these types of platforms, can sometimes be your best friends for new information which I enjoy. 

Using Twitter in the classroom would help the children to understand just how far something can go on the internet as well as the valuable information out there. When we participated in the SaskEdCat, to me it looked like there were people from other places participating and I found that to be amazing! Hearing new thoughts and opinions from others is what makes your mind grow and expand. I think that twitter in the classroom would be beneficial simply due to all the new information out there. The students would have to be taught the proper way to use the internet and the do’s and don’ts, but I believe this is what our world is going to be and the students we teach should learn about it, even if it is just small pieces.