Using Signs in the Classroom

November 9, 2023 4 By Stephanie Voss

Recently, I have been hearing about more and more about teachers using sign language in the classroom and the benefits that come along with this. First, I love the inclusion piece it brings into the classroom by valuing a different type of language and introducing students to the deaf and hard of hearing community. Second, it helps a lot with classroom management. Instead of having students constantly coming up to you asking if they can go to the washroom, get water, or that they are finished their assignment, they can stay in their spot and ask these questions using sign language, and the teacher can silently respond with “yes” or “no”

I found an amazing post about how teachers can integrate ASL into their classroom on the website WeAreTeachers. The resources on this post range from popular children’s books in ASL, learning sight words while using ASL, movement breaks that incorporate ASL, and classroom decor/signs that use ASL. I absolutely love this sign showcasing the letters for the words “welcome” written in the ASL alphabet.


This week, I had the goal of learning popular signs that can be used in the classroom. I learned: yes, no, maybe, want, restroom, , lights on, lights off, stop, sorry, understand and don’t understand.

Here is a video of me signing these words!

What are some other words that would be beneficial for students to be able to sign in the classroom?