Class Participation/Listening Tips

For class participation and listening tips I found that if my coop teacher was to get them talking about topics they want to talk about or learn she even only makes them do a class for about 15-20 minutes because after that time period they cannot pay attention anymore. She also encouraged them to participate more if they get rewards they are willing to participate. For example my coop teacher has charts that were 5 by 5 and every time a student did something good or the whole class did they would get a stamp on their chart and once their chart was filled up they got to chose a prize from a bucket full of pencils, erasers, pencil sharpeners, or little toys she even rewarded them with letting them sing their friendship song they were working on.

I chose this as a tip to put in my toolbox because I think it worked very effectively and got the kids engaged in wanting to participate more in class.