Field Blog 5

On Tuesday November 6th, 2018 I had my fifth field placement and it was a great day! My partner and I were both there that day and we started the day off as usual. We helped our co-op teacher with morning recess and then went back in after to greet the kids. Our co-op teacher later on in the day had even asked me and my partner would like to come during other days during the week as well.

We started the day with the Daily 5 and the kids tried listening to reading for the first their rotation and it went kind of okay, we did have a few problems with getting the iPad set up to the right class. After a while of fighting with them we just decided to log the kids in as a guest or at least the iPads that did not allow the kids to log in. How the program that is called Razkins works is each kid can lo in to their own separate account and their account is level to what they can read. After they have listened to a book on Razkins they have to answer a series of questions based on the story they just listened to.

After the Daily 5 the children went out for recess. After recess we did math with the kids and they were doing an assignment they had started the day before. They each had two assignments and they were to fix their mistakes. They were still working on greater than and less than numbers. After this assignment our co-op teacher had told me and my partner that after they had finished up this assignment that they would be done the greater than and less than unit. Once the kids were finished fixing their corrections or completed the assignment, they were aloud to play a dice game that involved greater than or less than numbers. The game consisted of a laminate piece of paper and dice, the kids would roll the dice and write down the number that they had rolled and then their partner would roll the dice to get a number and they both did this twice until they had a double digit number and then the kids would have to figure out who’s number was greater than, less than, or equal to.

For the school community honouring diversity, equality, and human rights for all students during class especially during social class our co-op teacher talks about that every family looks different but they all love the same way, and this is something she tries to get stuck in the kids heads and it is her motto, she even talks about other cultures and how they may look such as multi-generational families. Our coop teacher said that every school had some type of LGBTQ group within the school. The Regina public school board recognizes inequality and equality such as parents who cannot buy all the school supplies for their children, so the school board will supply them with those materials or help pay for the field trips they take the children on if necessary, the teachers will pay for the students on their behalf and the parents do not have to know about it. The money they use is taken from a special fund that the school has set up for this purpose.