Field Blog 7

Yesterday November 20th, 2018 was my 7th Field Placement. We started the day off with monitoring recess with our co-op teacher. After morning recess, we started with agendas and this morning our co-op teacher let me and my partner take over, so we spilt it and Andrew signed the agendas but the students who had notes from the parents we sent to our co-op teacher and I stapled the students Agribition reminder handout to their agendas.

After we did agendas the kids were to go to the connections corner and wait for further instructions. Our coop teacher then went on the tell the kids that we would be finishing up their Ewawatik which is a poem about First Nations. They were to paint a northern lights picture and add in some trees then they were going to glue the poem on to it. They did not finish their paintings last day they worked on it, so my partner and I helped them put the finishing touches on them such as more green for the Northern lights and the trees. After the children had finished this they were to work on their other assignment how to make hot chocolate.

As for the question for this week about technology our co-op teacher does not like it because her room has been without internet for the last two or so days and she uses the internet for lots of things such as grades, attendance, emails, parent phone numbers, etc. Although our co-op teacher does not try to be 100% dependent on computers and technology in case things such as the power going out or like what she is going through right now, but it is hard for her to avoid due to so much of her work is online. Although some of the technology they use is helpful such as Clevr which is a bench mark testing and interdisciplinary type of website which is used for sharing files or if anyone such as a psychologist needs a student file, they can access what our coop teacher has written about that student and this is a board approved site. They use this site because it is faster then flipping through many pages of paper to find the information they need.

My partner had talked with a few students and said they have days where they like technology and where they don’t. When he asked, they said they mainly use technology outside of school such as things like an iPad, video game systems(Xbox, PS4, etc.), cellphones, and computers and they use all of these devices to play video games, watch YouTube or Netflix or look things up on line. As for inside of school they have iPads they use for reading purposes like Razkins or the projector in the class room or the smart board and the library has a few computers in it for other things.