Field Experience

Field Experience was part of my ECS 100 class and I personally thought that going back into an Elementary school and the grade2/3 class room that I was put in brought back a familiar feeling and made me feel happy. The Field Experience also allowed to figure out within my first year that the Education program was right for me and that I absolutely love being around kids and helping them learn and grow their skills. My overall Field Experience was great! I have grown more as a person and as a teacher. I feel like I have grown as a teacher because I have learnt how a class room is set up but this is only one experience of classroom and I hope to grow from this, I also got to see how a teacher handles the classroom and the children in it and feel like I can take away from how my co-op teacher handled her classroom. I will forever be thankful for everything my co-op teacher has taught me and have even written down lots that I can use in my teaching experience. The first day or two I was there I remember I was nervous because I was not to sure how it was going to go or work. I was also worried I wouldn’t like the whole Field Experience thing, like my coop teacher, or even liking the grade I had been placed in. But I soon learned that the Field Experience was what I looked forward to every week and I loved my co-op teacher she was amazing, and I even liked being in the grade 2/3 classroom. It was a very emotional last day for my Field Experience at the school I was given but my co-op teacher told me that me and my partner are aloud to visit whenever we would like!