Knitting is my new favorite thing even though I’m really bad at it
Hola a todos! I think this is my first post since I started knitting, so I am excited to be writing it.
The truth is that I realized that I avoided starting to knit as much as possible because I thought it would not turn out very well, and now I know that it was a mistake. It looks horrible, but it is enjoyable, and now I find doing it everywhere and always, haha.
So also, doing a little research, I realized that knitting helps concentration and is a way of meditating; it’s real! I will leave here an article on the subject.
I found out about it this weekend. It was Saturday, I had to get together with some friends, and as an excellent foreign woman, I didn’t have mobile data to talk to them or look for directions, so I memorized the route, the stops, and where I had to get off the bus, but It didn’t work.
I got on the number 3 Sherwood Estates bus and got lost. But of course, I had my little bag with my wool and headphones, so it was a very productive hour and a half ride; otherwise, it was like a free tour. I imagine that the bus driver must have died laughing with me there.
I have knit in some pretty interesting places: on the bus, in restaurants, sitting at my desk, or cooking. It’s just that I feel like it’s something I can start and stop at any time. There’s always time to knit! I almost took it to the nightclub but found it too much (like my friends).

I find myself making this scarf with the easiest stitch in crochet, as I think it’s enough for this first project, but I would like to try something a little more challenging next time. I will leave a video here about the point I am making, it is in Spanish (because I speak Spanish), but it is not difficult to understand because it is done step by step, making it easy to follow.
That’s my report so far. If you have any tips on how I could keep my weave from drifting, I’d appreciate it. Have a beautiful week!
3 thoughts on “Knitting is my new favorite thing even though I’m really bad at it”
Hi Bárbara! I also love crocheting and struggle with having my work drift. One way I’ve heard of fixing this is by counting your stitches to make sure you aren’t accidentally losing some. Another way (that is less helpful lol) is making sure you keep the same tension when you are pulling on the yarn. I’m glad you’re enjoying it so much and I can’t wait to see your progress throughout the semester!
This is a really cool skill to learn as it is useful at home and if you really got into it and good at it, you could turn it into a little side business at the same time! Interested to see how you progress through the skill!
Hey Barbara, what an awesome skill to learn. One of the first things I thought of while reading your post was how most people in the situations you described just simply pull out their phone and scroll (including me). This is such a more productive way to spend your time and as you said, helps with mindfulness and calming, while not getting caught up in just spending time with your screen!