Hello everyone! I hope that you are having a great week!
I hope that my title wasn’t misleading #clickbate? If you are looking for enlightenment on all things technology I am sorry, this is not the post for you. BUT check back in a couple of months and hopefully I will have more too offer! In all honesty, I have very little experience with educational technology- but to my ego’s saving grace, in my grandparent’s opinion, I am a genius no big deal.
If you ask any of my friends they would tell you 1) that I am seriously a disorganized organized person… I know it doesn’t make sense but there is so much truth in that! They would say that I smile a lot that is of course unless we are talking about, Grey’s Anatomy to which I’m probably crying. They would probably mention my strong feelings towards inclusivity and how excited I am to do amazing things in the classroom. After all of that and probably a lot more they would get to 2) that I have always talked about starting a lifestyle blog, but have a broken record response of “my life isn’t interesting enough”. This stops me from pulling the trigger every time. I am beginning to pivot my mindset away from that and think more along the lines of “my life can be as interesting as I make it”. That being said, I am really looking forward to these blog post prompts to get started learning about how blogging works. Who knows, maybe this class will be the final push I needed to start a personal lifestyle blog!
Follow my Twitter for all things Inclusive Ed, youth advocacy, politics and rabbit holes you may not come out of… #SorryNotSorry #BuzzFeedWillGetYou
Intrigued by my bad humour and blogging journey? Follow along with me as I broaden my knowledge of blogging! Need something else to do? Check out my other posts on my #learningproject where I am teaching myself graphic design! Exciting things people, exciting things!
Be kind to your mind.