The Grade Finale- Finale Prototype Submission

Well here it is!

Although, I still have much to learn about the world of online teaching, I am proud of what I have accomplished through this class. As I have mentioned many times, when we first headed to online learning, my lessons were not very good… to be kind, and technology use in the classroom, was an extra add on, that was a special activity for the students.

Man oh man, how that has changed!!

In my EC&I384 course, I have become so much more confident in implementing technology throughout my everyday lessons, and even sending some “homework” to engage family members in the learning. There are so many teacher/student friendly platforms, that truly enhance and engagement in students learning! I would love to go back and adjust my teaching style during online learning, although do not wish for another pandemic….ever!

In this prototype, my focus was to create a well-organized, easy to use, underwhelming system, for students, families and teachers to connect with. I believe my choice of Seesaw as a management system was a game changer. I initially was going to try Google Classroom, but switched it up halfway through and so happy I did.

For a more in depth look at my course, take a look at my blog post titled Let’s do it- Course Overview. I also posted a walkthrough of Module One which discusses some more of my rationale and the idea behind the set up of my course. This is found in my post It’s a Start.

It really was just a start! Once one module was completed, peers reviewed my profile and module and provided excellent feedback, that made it even more student friendly! I truly appreciated the extra sets of eyes, to express a different perspective than simply my thought process.

Below I have provided a course walk through where you will get a quick sneak peak of the modules and the tools I loved using Seesaw!

If you would like to explore a little more, use the link provided and instructions to sign in as “Suzie” using these instructions. SuzieLogIn

If you want to explore as a teacher, just let me know in the comments and I will send the sign in your way!

Feel free to critique and provide feedback!

And thank you to all my EC&I834 friends! You have taught me so much over the course of this semester!


Peer Reviews & Thoughts on Accessibility

Well to start off, I can not thank Bev and Kendra enough, they were the best “hype girl” reviewers ever!

I appreciate the confidence you have in my course and also the suggestions made!

Two points that were provided, included the math game Prodigy being too challenging for Grade 1 students! Well, it totally was because I had the grade setting on Grade 3!! It has now been changed back to Grade 1 and Patterning activities have been assigned! (Feel Free to give those a try Bev and thank you for bringing that to my attention!)

The other suggestion, was to add my “I can…”  statements from my profile into the online activities! Love this idea!

I find “I can..” statements easy for parents to understand the intention of the lesson and the scaffolding process. These statements are also used during face to face, class periods, which provides familiar language for grade 1’s! I also find then very encouraging for students to know they will be able to perform the task!

Moving on to this week’s classroom discussion about accessibility and equity. This is a concept that hits home to my current teaching role. Many of my students lack accessibility to basic needs such as food, a clean, safe home and access hygiene supplies. School to these students and families, is so much more than just learning. So, our initial response to the pandemic was “Holy Cow, they need food.” With and amazing admin. and strong staff we were able to supplies food to families to get them through the week. In the first wave, we had very little participation online, but at that point it seemed like fed families was more important.

When we entered the second (or third, or fourth, who knows how many there were!) we had that time to prepare and make learning more of a priority. Again, thanks to a wonderful admin. we were able to get permission to supply technology to families who needed a technology. However, there were some guidelines. We choose to provide to families who we considered reliable, leaving some students out. Although I understand that decision, as I was a part of it, I do understand it isn’t fair to the students.

To be honest, I don’t know what the solution would be to this. My school always made sure to provide paper copies to families without access to technology but then they aren’t able to interact with peers and teacher, ask for help and get support.

To end on a more positive note, I am very glad that there are so many tools to help with families who don’t fluently speak English and also to students who aren’t able to read yet!

The LMS I decided to use was Seesaw for these reasons! On Seesaw families are able to translate to all written messages to the default language of their device very easily. They can also respond back using their language and it will come to the teacher in English. For this reason, I always provide written instructions. Seesaw makes it very easy for the teacher and students to record audio instruction and responses, which allows students to understand and share without the ability to read or write.

I feel like Seesaw has created an easily accessible, straightforward platform to adapt to multiple needs, as long as families have technology involved!

It’s a Start!


This week I was asked to share my first module of my blended learning course. I would first like to say, I would LOVE so feedback! I felt like I was taking a shot in the dark for this assignment, so feedback is appreciated!!

Secondly, I wanted to acknowledge that since writing my course profile, quite a bit has changed!

The biggest change being my LMS. I was originally going to use Google Classroom but decided to switch to Seesaw. It is a platform I am more familiar with and it provides many tools that benefit teachers, students, and families.

Course Shell:

This blended learning course is intendent to be used, in and outside of the classroom, as well as, as a means of teaching content if at any time individuals or classes need to go to a true online learning experience. Within the classroom context, students will have access to the unit modules during Math rotations, where they can review content, practice and be assessed in one location. Extensions will be provided to students who need to me challenged.

At home, students can share their progress, complete unfinished tasks, or additional practice.

Seesaw will be used as a hub to communicate to families, provide in and outside resources, activities, and assignments.

Module 1: Is it a pattern?

In class students would start by watching BrainpopJr up to introduce the Patterning Unit. This video will be posted in class Seesaw, for future reference.

They will further discuss patterns and identify patterns around the classroom. From there students will be work through 4 math centers which include “Math with Teacher”, “Math by Myself”, “Math Games” and of course “Math on Technology”. Groups will be a mixture of different reading and numeracy levels.

Math w/ Teacher: Students will complete Math Makes Sense Worksheet accompanied by Patterning Practice and Patterns (Ontario Curriculum).


Math Games: Students will play repeating pattern games created by Tara West.

Math by Myself: Small Book read and complete by Math Place.


**These resources will be consistently used throughout the course in their designated centers.


Math on Tech: Collection 1

Students will sign into personal Seesaw accounts using QR Codes, provided at station.

Students will then find there assigned info and activities in order of completion.

Lesson #1-What is a pattern?

BrainpopJr Video will be reposted to refer too!

Task 1- Interactive ScratchGarden Video. Students will watch and complete video. Can be watched at home to reteach to family.

Task 2- Complete Seesaw task “Is it a pattern?” in class.


Task 3-Homework- Sign into class Flipgrid. Find and post three patterns around your home. If students do not have assess to technology at home they can bring back ideas to share in class.

Once students have completed activities, teachers will be automatically notified to assess and provide feedback.


Module 2: Identify to Core and rule.

Every class will start with a small review and discussion from the previous day.

Display Flipgrid on the board. Analyze and discuss patterns found at home. Students who were unable to post can share their findings at this time. Do they agree that they are patterns, why or why not?

Ask students what the core of an apple is? It is the middle that holds that apply together and allows the apple to keep growing. This is the same as the core of a pattern! Display patterns and not patterns on the board. Have students identify the core and count how many times it repeats.

If the Core keeps it growing then the Rule makes sure it is doing it correctly. Create Rules together using “First ____, Then ____, Last _____”

Math on Tech: Collection 2

Students will sign into personal Seesaw accounts using QR Codes, provided at station.

Students will then find their assigned info and activities in Lesson #2-Finding the Core and creating the Rule. (Saved as a collection)

Task 1-  Watch Find the Core and make the rule using the Seesaw Template.

Task 2- Among Us and Tell the Rule Seesaw activity.

Task 3-  Homework- Sign into class Flipgrid. Orally share a Pattern rule. (Ex: First draw a smiley face, then a star, last a ! and repeat).  Then listen to a peers video and draw out their rule. Bring to class to share!

Tasks are shown in order of completion.

Once students have completed activities, teachers will be automatically notified to assess and provide feedback.

Module 3: Extending the Pattern

Review by displaying rules and patterns posted on class FlipGrid.

Ask the question what would come next? This is called extending the pattern using the rules you know to predict what happens next.

Math on Tech: Collection 3

Task 1- Watch Scratch Garden interactive video.

Task 2- “What comes Next?” Seesaw activity.

Task 3- Homework-  Sign into personal Prodigy account with provide link and passwords.

Complete Assigned Assessment.


Module 4: Attributes (colour, shape, size)

Start by watching/doing Jack Hartmans Pump up the Pattern.

Discuss how these patterns were using body movements. Patterns come in all shapes, sizes, colours, actions, etc. These are called Attributes.

Math on Tech: Collection 4

Task 1- Attribute Review Video. Watch and participate in the video.

Task 2- Seesaw Attribute Activity.

Task 3- Homework- Flipgrid Action Pattern


If you’d like to see it put into action, please take a look at the video down below! I tried to highlight some of my favourite features and how teachers might create lessons for their class and a sneak peak at the student view!

Please provide any feedback and questions you may have!!!

Thanks in advance!