Category: EC&I832

Major Project Update 3: Exploring Peter Liljedahl’s “Thinking Classrooms”

THINKING CLASSROOMS AND DIGITAL LITERACY As many of my fellow classmates live in Regina, the name Peter Liljedahl or the concept of “Thinking Classrooms” might ring a few bells. Liljedahl frequently hosts PD in Regina (three of which I thoroughly enjoyed attending last year). If I may make a shameless plug for my Division Curriculum…

By Kimberly Kipp November 28, 2023 Off

Confessions of a Former Social Media Oversharer

Like many a Xennial, reflecting on the transformation of my digital identity makes me cringe. My carefree childhood and awkward teen years are relegated to dusty photo albums, shoddy VHS home movies, and a Hotmail account with a questionable – but thankfully anonymous – username. In my early 20s, my husband asked me out on…

By Kimberly Kipp October 22, 2023 Off