Tag: equitable

Summary of Learning: Kipp’s Masterpiece Theatre Presents: Cato’s Journey

Okay, “masterpiece” is an epic exaggeration, but I thoroughly enjoyed creating this ebook using Bookcreator.com (highly recommend using it with students, too). Cato’s fantastical learning journey – with an easily identifiable (but unnamed) philosophical guide –  mirrors my key learnings from this semester.  Thank you, Dr. Katia and classmates, for the discussions, blogs, research, and…

By Kimberly Kipp December 4, 2022 Off

Pear Deck: Test-Driven by a Fangirl

Will reiterating my love for Pear Deck sound like a broken record? I had nearly forgotten this love when Tuesday’s class reignited the spark. Kudos to Group 5!  In my previous life as an Online Learning Consultant, I completed the Pear Deck Institute training to guide divisional implementation in the classroom and online. It was…

By Kimberly Kipp November 5, 2022 Off

O Online Learning, Parting Was NOT Sweet Sorrow

This week’s topic – tools for distance and online learning – strikes a personal cord. Memories of my last 2.5 years as an online learning consultant cause an odd mixture of melancholy, anxiety, aversion, and pride to roll through my chest. Anyone in education over the last 3 years might feel a similar twinge. Love…

By Kimberly Kipp October 22, 2022 Off

Educational Technology: Neither Sinner nor Saviour

Defining the Variable: Ed-Tech When I think of educational technology, my (active) imagination transports me to AI classrooms and interactive hologram projections. Part of me views ed-tech as the saviour of classroom to world relevancy; another part of me suffers ominous flashes of Judgement Day and Matrix-laden doom! Of course, that’s not the reality…at least,…

By Kimberly Kipp September 24, 2022 Off

Keeping Up with the Edtech Joneses

Full disclaimer:
I’ve been delaying my response to this debate. More than delaying, I’ve been intentionally avoiding. Our prompt- Technology has led to a more equitable society- hit(s) me differently, on a heart rather than head level. And once the ol’ heart is engaged, emotions and memories pin down my customary objectivity.

By Kimberly Kipp May 24, 2022 Off