Looking back
As I take a look back to when I was younger and growing up, the changes made to technology is huge. I grew up in the early 2000’s so things were just starting to pick up and be more advanced. I remember having VHS tapes and one of those big computers and a t.v. with a big box on the back… haha. But when I look at today’s technology it is insane to think of how far we have come to get to this place. Flat screen t.v’s, iPhones, very thin laptops, doorbell cameras and much, much more. Kids nowadays are exposed to technology like no other. This is all what this generation is about. There are children as young as 8 years old that have their own cellphones. Like what?? When I was 8 I was playing with real toys not an iPhone. With high speed internet and being able to connect with people from all around using the internet wisely and in a smart manner it can be an amazing thing to have.
As I watched the video An Anthropological Introduction to YouTube it was interesting and entertaining to see how the first viral video occurred. As an avid YouTube watcher I did not realize all the changes and how YouTube really became a huge hit. It was interesting to see how the Numa Numa dance went viral and how people across the world made it their own! In his presentation, Wesch presented the rates of videos uploaded and how many there. This was shocking to hear about. It is crazy to see how much of our lives were involved with the internet back then and even more now.

Technology in the classroom
As I think about the use of technology in my future classroom there are some issues that frighten me. Kids these days are exposed to a tremendous amount of different things because of the internet and this has great effects on the way they see the world and live their lives. The use of technology has increased over the last few years and all students rely on is the internet and phones. The amount of likes, and retweets are the focus of kids lives. They are too involved with their virtual life that they are missing out on their real life. I fear for these kids who are just involved with their technology and not involved in the real world.
Now, do not get me wrong there are a lot of advantages for the use of technology in the classroom but there are also disadvantages as well. This article that I came across (Top 5 Benefits of Technology in the Classroom) lists advantages technology has in the classroom. The use of technology can be very successful when used properly!! As future educators we must provide smart resources and reasons about the internet and how kids can be smart with their choices online. The internet can be a scary place but when used appropriately and safely we can use it in a positive way.
Moving forward with including technology into the classroom, as a future educator I would take precautions when involving different forms of technology in order for my students to perform at their best and educate them in a safe manner. There are a lot of kids out there that do not understand the use of technology fully and could be heading down the wrong path. To ensure that does not happen including the rights and wrong of technology could be put in place to further educate. Accepting that technology is a big part of our lives now is a must. And that it can create a space where teachers and students can connect and allow for other mediums of participation in the classroom.

Good choices
Technology is one of the greatest things to have ever been invented. There are many ways in which we benefit from the use of technology in our everyday lives. When using technology in any forms you like, we must remember to make smart, safe choices as the internet can also be a scary cyber world. With cyber bullying occurring it is important to be aware of what students are doing on the internet and to prevent such things from happening. Showing the positives of instead of the negatives of the internet can have an impact of how kids view certain things. It is truly crazy to see what we can do with technology in our lives!