The Impact of Technology on my Life

September 26, 2023 0 By Stephanie Voss

There are many apps and websites that I use on a daily basis in my personal, professional, and academic life. 

Young woman using smart phone,Social media concept.

In my personal life, most of the apps and websites I use are social media. I find Facebook is where I go to keep in touch with people I actually know, Instagram is where I keep up with celebrities, and Tik Tok is where I go for entertainment. I have recently gotten into an app called “Libby” which is connected to the Regina Public Library and allows borrowing of E-books and Audiobooks to read/listen to on your phone. I have found this to be a great way to stay off social media while still being entertained on my phone. Baby steps!

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In my professional and academic life, I rely heavily on email, Microsoft office, Google docs and slides. I have also found Planboard to be a great online tool for lesson planning and keeps my day planned and organized down to the hour.

I definitely find that I have a habit of mindlessly scrolling on social media apps such as Tik Tok and Instagram, which often eats away at my productivity time throughout the day. About six months ago, I began using time limits on my social media apps to limit myself to 30 minutes a day. Although this seemed like a good idea in theory, I override the time limit pretty much every day with the press of a button. Sometimes I reach my limit before I have even finished my coffee in the morning! I may need to try the tool Stay Focused that was introduced in class, as the “nuclear” option may be the only way to actually limit my time on these social media apps. Self control is hard! 

~ Stephanie