Beginning my EdTech journey

Hi Everyone,

To start off, I’m Annissa. I’m a 24 year old student heading into my third year of elementary Ed. I live in my hometown of Swift Current and commute to Regina when necessary, so I must admit this lockdown situation has worked out rather well for me! Before I started at the U of R, I took roughly three years of Arts and Science at the U of S. I went in directly out of highschool with very little direction of where I wanted my life to go. I didn’t feel passionate about anything I was learning and felt like I had hit a dead end. After my third year I decided it was time for a change so I dropped out and moved to London, England where I became a nanny!

Photo taken by me outside of the Palace of Westminster

I really can’t find the words to describe what a wonderful experience I had abroad. Not only was I blessed with looking after with three of the most wonderful, smart, caring, and loving children, but I rediscovered my love of working with kids. I stayed in London for almost two years, but eventually I felt it was time to come home and return to school now that I felt inspired and passionate about something. Unfortunately (or maybe fortunately?) U of S had just discontinued their two year sequential Education program the year that I applied, so I was lead to the U of R where I was accepted into the program. Without getting into the boring inbetween details, this leads me to today!

I was admittedly a little worried about this class, as I do feel as though I’m a bit out of touch with a lot of tech related aspects, especially when it comes to the realm of education. I had a twitter account in highschool that I rarely ever used and eventually forgot the username and password of, so I was a bit nervous to jump back into the twittersphere. However it doesn’t seem as scary as I thought it might be, as long as I steer clear of any of Donald Trump’s insane tweeting frenzies. You can follow along my Ed Tech journey here, if you’d like. I am looking forward to learning a bit more about what skills I can grow from this class and how to bring these into my future classroom. I am excited to get back into blogging and can’t wait to see what the semester brings!

Processed with VSCO, Photo taken by me