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Manage Your Time, Master Your Screen

My daily tech habits are mainly based around entertainment. Most of my daily technology use happens during my free time, I can probably be spending my time in more productive ways instead of scrolling through TikTok and Instagram. TikTok I primarily use for entertainment purposes, as opposed to Instagram I use to learn more information on things I am interested in.  I scroll through recipes, some strength trainers who I enjoy listening to, and keeping up with what my friends are doing. These two sites that I spend the majority of time on is used for leisure and social interactions.

An app I use to help me stay organized is TimeTree. It is a calendar app that you can link multiple people to and share your schedule. You can also color coordinate your events. For example, I have a different color for class, work, coaching, and my football schedule. I also like how every morning it sends me a notification of what I have that day, and also gives me a reminder of my events a half hour before they start. Another organization app I use is Slack. This is an app my football team uses to send information or update players on important dates for school. You can also post links and spreadsheets that need to be viewed before events. The last app that I find extremely important is the Grades app. At the beginning of every term, I put my classes in for the semester into this app and input all of my assignments with the weighted grade that they hold in that course. I can then input the grade I hope to strive for. Once, I get my grades for each assignment, The app will tell me what I need to get on my other assignments to achieve that grade. This is an app I have recommended to a lot of my teammates, especially those who struggle with school and are always worried about what they need on their assignments to pass to stay eligible for the season. They have found this app super helpful. It helps them check what class they have a better academic standing in and what assignment they need to spend more time on or study for.

The biggest distraction for me when it comes to technology is TikTok. This is an app I turn to as a means of procrastination. Whenever it is time to cook, or do laundry I always find myself scrolling through TikTok. I feel I am usually pretty good on limiting my time on this app, and can usually get the things done that I need during the day. I feel I have a healthy relationship with technology. I manage my time well and I have apps that allow me to keep track of upcoming due dates and important meetings. The main boundary I have set for myself is not going on my phone a half hour before I go to bed. This allows me to get anything done that I didn’t finish throughout the day.




  1. crs864

    I enjoyed your post. I’m going to look into that grades app. I think it will help keep me from obsessively checking UR courses all the time because I will know what course to focus my energy on. I do something similar with my bedtime routine, I also use my phone’s built-in software and set a night-time for 9 pm so I won’t receive any notifications.

    • cps876

      I can’t recommend the grades app enough, I tell all of my teammates to get it, especially those who are coming onto the team and haven’t done school for a while. It is my most checked app during the schoolyear.

  2. Raisa Stadnyk

    That calendar app sounds awesome! If I can ever motivate myself to switch over my calendar, I think I would really enjoy the notification in the morning.

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