I had to take a week off playing the ukulele because I hurt my strumming finger playing football. But it was nice to pick up right were I left off this week. Last week I said that this was going to be my last week learning from the 8notes website. I played the song “Ukulele Blues“. This song had a lot of quick shifts between cords, and involved some cords I have never tried before. This song had the same timing throughout the song so it made it relatively easy to get into the rhythm after a couple practice rounds.

Here is a picture of what the sheet music looked like. and the link below is me attempting to play this song

Ukulele Blues (youtube.com)

I know I am wrapping up to the end of my learning experience. So for next week, I want to try one new source of online learning before I make my final post. I am unsure of what I am going to do, but my goal is to find a brand new useful resource to help me with my last ukulele lesson.