Carson's Journey to Teaching

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Learning the Ukulele Using Technology

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I used to play guitar in grade 4 but I was never good at it, and I gave it up fairly quickly. I have always wanted to get back into learning as I I have some friends who are heavily into music and I thought it might be fun to be able to play with them. Sadly I sold my guitar a couple years ago. Thankfully, I have a Ukulele handy around my house. So, for my learning  project I am going to attempt to learn how to play the ukulele. I am hoping to be able to translate the small amount of basics of guitar I learned in grade 4 and apply it into this learning process. I have done a small amount of research into and I noticed that YouTube will be extremely handy. There were also a couple of apps I have been looking at on the iOS app store that I will look at more in depth. One app that I noticed will be extremely helpful off for me starting off is the Ukulele Tuner – Ukutuna II app, which will help me to have my Ukulele sounding properly for when I begin to play.


My name is Carson Sombach. I am currently working towards my Kinesiology/ Education Joint degree, majoring in Physical Education and minoring in Mathematics. This is where I am going to share my journey of becoming a teacher. I will have many stories, pictures, and references to share.


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