Hi everyone, my name is Curtis Meger and I am a 5th year student athlete at the University of Regina. Majoring in physcial education and minoring in health, I am very close to wrapping up my university career. I am a goaltender on the hockey team at the university which is something interesting about me. I have played hockey for 20 years now which is crazy to think about (makes me feel old) and it is my biggest hobby and passion in life.

Here is a picture of me on the ice during a game last season, clearly concerned with something coach had to say.

I have a small amount of experience with educational technology & blogging but am extremely motivated to learn and develop a better understanding. Technology is taking over the world in front of our eyes and as an educator I believe it is important to stay on top of things and continue to learn as technology develops. In terms of blogging, it is obviously a great way to share knowledge, build an online presence, be creative, enhance writing skills, learn new things, and document journeys, I am excited to explore all the oppurtunities blogging can offer for both personal and professional development.


It took me some time to think about what link I wanted to include. I came to the conclusion I wanted to share my experience at the Regina Huda School. I was fortunate enough to do a placement there and it was such a unique and amazing experience for many reasons. I have a short write up and some pictures as well. Enjoy!