The autotelic activity and self determination theory are two things that really stuck out to me during the video game lecture. A couple thoughts that came to mind; why have I been playing for so long, and why do I want to improve at every game I play? I dove into the autotelic activity and realized the reward system is definitely something that motivates me. I have the personality of a perfectionist, so I will practice until I am excelling. Not just for myself, but to benefit the people I play with as well. Which is where the social aspect comes into play. I really enjoy connecting with friends online and having chemistry within different games. Furthermore, having success in video games both on my own and with friends can enable things within the body like endorphins, dopamine, serotonin, oxytocin, and adrenaline. All of these things play essential roles in regulating mood, emotions, and physiological responses in the body. The biggest thing I have realized in all of this research is the positive feelings coming from video games, the rewards I feel for having success and good times with friends has me craving more all the time.