– Lots of drinking water throughout the week

– Front side of postcard

– Back side of postcard


Dear Data Reflection:

Keeping a detailed record of how many times I drank water every day for a week as part of the “Dear Data” assignment was an eye-opening experience. At first, I didn’t think much about this seemingly simple task, but I was excited nonetheless to see what habits I have built during the beginning of the school year. As the days went by, I began to notice patterns and gain insights into my daily routines.

One of the most significant takeaways was realizing how consistent my water intake was. Most of my days are fairly similar during the week. I noticed that I drink small amounts of water in the morning and lots in the evening. My afternoons are filled with class, workouts, and practices and during these times I had consistent numbers tracked. It made me think about the importance of being hydrated before these activities, rather than compensating after the fact. 

Ultimately, the “Dear Data” assignment highlighted the power of data visualization and tracking in understanding personal behaviors. The visual representation of my water consumption over the week allowed me to see trends and fluctuations that might have gone unnoticed otherwise. Being a student athlete, many people including trainers and coaches are always preaching to take care of your body. I personally believe water consumption plays a huge role in maintaining a healthy body and lifestyle. After this assignment, I will continue to track my water and ensure I am intaking enough before my activities to avoid being dehydrated and recouping after the fact.