Never stop learning, because life never stops teaching

Strugglin’ to Juggle

First take on juggling lets go!! Like I said, easily 4 years since the last attempt, tried my best not to get frustrated.

Pretty much went as expected (not very good) – take a peak if you need a laugh

After this epic failure I went digging for in depth videos on youtube and came across a lady named Taylor Tries and I think she just might take me to the promise land.


  • It is all about messing up and getting better in little increments
  • Dont get frustrated (I kinda did ^^^)
  • Enjoy the journey
  • Bean bags are the best way to go (gonna have to get my stone hands on some) 

Have already made great strides, with lots of work to do – STAY TUNED


  1. Ashley Kormos

    I still dunno how to juggle, so take my words with a grain of salt (idiom), but I think maybe if you’re struggling with the third ball, drop it. Just do two until you’re confident then put the third one in. If the third one decides to take a vacation (if it flies away from you like in the video here) let it. Leave the vacated ball and keep going with just the two. I have confidence that the third ball would stay longer each time following this itinerary.
    It is so tricky to not get frustrated when you’re not good at something immediately. Remember to give yourself grace when you ‘mess up’. Most things are much more enjoyable when you are good at them though!
    Keep calm and juggle on,

    • Curtis Meger

      I think that is a great idea, I think I should learn to walk before I can run. I am going to go with two balls and see how it goes

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