I had a super awesome recommendation on one of my recent posts about going down to 2 balls instead of 3 to try and get some basic fundamentals down, I think this is a great idea as I cannot get the 3rd ball into play.

  • I went down to 2 balls and practiced throwing the object to this height consistently as it was one of the basic rules that Taylor Treis discussed

  • My next task was to get the “throw, throw, catch, catch pattern down”. This was difficult for me for some reason and I wanted to throw both balls at the same time and catch them both at the same time, not good.

  • I started to get a rhythm but I could throw the balls consistently. After I got frustrated, I facetimed my girlfriend and she had a great tip for me.

  • She told me to practice against a wall so that I am forced to throw the ball in an area where I am going to catch it, without it hitting the wall. I also decided to go on my knees as I seem to be bending down to pick the balls up, way easier on the hips!