Goals change, but habits remain.
Okay, this week was just plain hard. No way around it. The hard-hitting factors this week include multiple assignments to complete (most with overlapping due dates), managing a household (even with a lot of support), and the heat (not ideal for running outside). BUT, I got it done with no excuses – I completed my runs and continued resourcing from Tik Tok.
So, here is a little update on my week of running:
My running partner, Jordan, and I extended our standard distance to 5k. The first run of this distance was difficult, I’m not going to lie. However, I am very happy, proud, satisfied, etc., that this is now our standard because it was a goal of both of ours. We have also increased our minutes of run-to-walk ratio to 3:1. This is another big leap for us (well, for me).
For the first time since starting this project, our schedules didn’t align for a run, so I did a solo run with our new distance and pace on Sunday. My strategy for completing the run as planned was to adhere to pace and to run 2.5k away from my house so I had no choice but to trek 2.5k back. One thing I did to keep myself accountable when running alone to keep the 3:1 ratio is the mentality that NOT adhering to it won’t make running with Jordan easier (this is why having the accountability of a running partner is great), and I won’t get or be better if I don’t push myself a little at a time.
Our Thursday run this week was a struggle in so many ways, but we did it, and for that and my running partner, I am happy. I just ran so slowly! Jordan was so kind in slowing herself down to keep pace with me. A few factors to my turtle pace today was the heat and time of day (11 am and 30 degrees), I was pushing a stroller, and I think it was just one of those ‘bad’ running days. Dr. Casey Guthmiller on Tik Tok made me feel a bit better about my slow pace, but it was a humbling contrast to my run on Sunday.

I am finding with the end of the semester nearing and my ‘assignments to complete’ list a mile long, I am looking forward to my “homework” of running as a bit of an escape, feeling accomplished, and a pause in my constant overthinking and time management. One of the Tik Tok videos I saw while scrolling for resources this week, mentions exactly this as one of the benefits of running. This video felt a bit like a breakthrough moment in my learning project because I related so much to it, including the implicit notion that a hobby should be a space for clarity and escape. I thought, “if I feel the same way as the video about running, does that mean running has ACTUALLY become a hobby for me?! Did I succeed in this simple but time-consuming end-goal?! By George, I think I’ve got it!”

One unintentional resource of motivation this week was from Instagram. An acquaintance I follow began running a few years ago and posts about their journey with running. I recently saw their post of their monthly running distance – they set a lofty distance goal and accomplished it. So, a thought started swirling around in my head; for the month of June, I am going to set a personal goal of 58k, which equates to approximately 13k/week. Will I do the same for July? Tough to say, but I will now be determined to accomplish it for this month. Like I have been saying, I am doing this for fun, so I am okay with setting little goals like making 5k our norm, June distance of 58k, and anything else I feel motivated by. I don’t mind if the goal changes, but the habit remains. I’ve even had the idea float around in my head to do a 10k for the QCM in the fall…but let’s just focus on June for now!
I will leave you with another video/account that made me legit LOL as someone who uses an Apple watch to track my runs. Enjoy!
Hi Jacquie! I am not a runner by any means so I applaud you for taking on running, especially in these hot weather conditions that we have been having. I can completely relate to having people to exercise with for accountability. I know that is why I love to do barre classes with other people I know, as it helps me to show up and I enjoy feeling the energy of others in the room. It is also so great that you are able to use running as a way to get some relief from the other stresses that being in a masters program brings! Good luck with your June challenge of 58k!