EDTC300 Blog Posts

Blog Post 6: Cracking the Code

Hello Fellow coders!

This week I joined the world of coding. I have very limited experience in this side of the internet, however, I can now say that I have completed my first Coding “course” on  Code.orgThis website was sooo easy to navigate and had many options for which game I wanted to code. I ended up picking a game called “Blocks Jumper” which is a game that involves a character jumping over gaps in the ground to get to the final destination. You could compare it to something like Geometry dash, without all the obstacles and way less complicated HAHA. This process, despite the occasional frustration of fixing errors, was easy until the last level. The last level kept giving me an error about how i wanted the game to “end”. This was an issue because I had no idea what I needed to do…. considering that I am usually on the other side of things where the game just ends and restarts LOL. This time around, I am on the other side of things and actually have to create how the game ends. The last level stumped me for about 20 minutes, so I had to go back levels to see if I missed a step (which I did lol). After figuring out this minor problem I resolved the issue and BAM my game was completed.

During my hour or so of coding, I learned a LOT of patience as well as, found a new way to view creativity. Because of all the patience I needed during some of the lessons, I definitely felt frustrated at times but when I got the hang of it, it was exciting. I felt like a little kid learning something for the first time lol. Personally, I think coding can be crucial in todays digital world in helping people solve problems, become creative and finding a possible hobby, or even understand our technology a bit better. I think that coding coding is about developing problem-solving skills, fostering creativity, and gaining an understanding of the continuing digital age. Even though I am not planning on being a software engineer or IT person,  learning to code is an important skill for becoming more tech savvy!

One Comment

  • Everett Stone

    Code.org is an amazing resource, and congratulations on finishing a course using it! I once took a coding class for school and only learned the bare minimum. A resource I found through that class was repl.it which works like google docs, but for coding, where you can save multiple coding projects you are working on. I don’t know what languages it allows but it may be a fun resource to look into using for mini projects. Coding, especially coding games, has always been a curiosity of mine but the daunting task of learning to code has always deterred me. This resource seems great and I may even give it a shot over the summer! Keep up the amazing work and I hope you continue to improve!

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