So, its been a week since I created my Yoga playlist and I wanted to update everyone about if that has been successful or not. It has been one f the best decisions I have made during my Yoga journey! I wish I created this playlist sooner.
When I talked about my blog last, I only had 10 songs in the playlist. I knew this was enough, however, as I added more songs and did some Googling, I found this article discussing the power of sound, music and humming in Yoga. This interested more because of the humming part than anything LOL. You know, those videos where Yogis are crossed legged and saying “ah-oo-mm” or “ommm”? Well, after reading up on this, there’s actual science behind why that is done!
According to the article by the Yoga Journal, incorporating sound, music, and/or instruments into your Yoga practice can have positive effects on your health and well-being. From what I read, it’s all about the vibrations! The vibrations I am referring to, are actual atoms in our bodies that use vibrations as signals. These vibrations help relax our muscles by sending signals from our bodies to our brains. When the “vibrations are thought to fill our bodies, they impact the ways in which pain signals are perceived, and creates a way for muscles to engage and relax” (Yoga Journal). Even though scientists haven’t found an exact answer to why it works, they assume that it has something to do with the power of music and how it heals and relaxes our bodies.
This idea was new to me because I thought the noises from people practicing Yoga was just random LOL. Before I realized the importance of sound in yoga, I never thought much about why people swear by it as a lifestyle. But, now I see why people use this as their “escape”. Saying unfamiliar words and sounds may be uncomfortable, but if Yoga has taught me one thing, its how to handle discomfort in life and make peace with it. I may be the only one who thought that these “ooom” noises were just people making sounds, but the more you know I guess. So my goal for next time, is it to get on my mat at home, try out these sounds, and get out of my comfort zone!