Unfortunately this week I am not happy with my learning outcome! I can say that I definitely did not get the yoga time in… and did not fit much time of it in my schedule either. But, I know some weeks I will accomplish more than others. When looking at the positive side of things, I can say that I did accomplish a goal that I set for myself in my last post! If you have been following, my goal was to “learn more about the practice of yoga and its significance” which I did research and find some answers to my questions. Even though this week lacked in minutes…
First Impressions of Yoga: Post #2
This week, my focus was to understand yoga a bit better, and appreciate the practice. This week I got more comfortable with the Yoga | Mind + Body app and found myself using it a few times. I spent just over one hour doing yoga. Although this is not much, I was hoping to ease into yoga since it is new and unfamiliar to me. The last thing I wanted to do was rush, and get bored… which can sometimes happens to me when I get too excited and rush into something. Another online source I used was a Youtube video called “10 Minute Morning Yoga to FEEL INCREDIBLE! (Beginner…