Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today.

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Clay Encounter

For our encounter we decided to set up 4 main stations. The stations all had an underlying theme to them that could support inspiration for students who needed that extra inspiration. Each station had a book to go with the theme, clay and various tools/ objects to encourage the encounter. The stations where constriction, gender, habitats and textures. The participants where able to freely move around and encounter with whatever station they preferred throughout the encounter. We found allowing the participation the opportunity to choose there encounters and how long they stayed at each really allowed them to lead themselves throughout the encounter.

Some keywords I noticed throughout this activity was encounter, assemblage and time. The word encounter really drove this activity because there was no set task so participants where free to do as they please and encounter the material in anyway they wanted. The second word that really stood out was assemblage. I found that this encounter was a lot different than the other encounters in terms of assemblage. the clay was really easy to disassembly and reassembly. I found that clay versatility made it easy fro people to experiment because nothing created was terminated so that defeated the worry of failure in a sense. The third and final word I really noticed throughout was time. Each material we encountered had a different timeframe but I really found that clay was almost timeless. The material could be used to create anything therefore it kept people engaged for a really long time. Also you could create something come back later and recreate something else with that same clay giving the material a sense of timelessness.

Another term that really resonated with our encounter was ecology. it was interesting to discuss the ways we have each encounter clay in the natural environment. From our conversations we also discussed how when we play with clay in the environment we use it in different ways. Why do we do this?

Throughout the encounter we also seen a lot of different relationships and interactions. It was interesting to investigate the relationship between the clay and the person. even though each person was offered the same clay options and tools each person formed a unique relationship with the clay which you can see represented above in the creations. Also there where various inter-actions that took place that we also got to examine like the interaction of the hands and clay or the interactions of the various tools/ objects with the clay. Altogether there was a lot of great interactions and relationships formed throughout the encounter.

When looking to the future we examined the ways we might use clay in our classroom through discussion. We said that clay could be used in a variety of ways in all subject areas. We also said that one pro to using clay is that it is so easily changeable it helps diminish some of the fears of failure. I would say this encounter has taught me a lot about the different ways clay can be used for learning and open ended encounters.

The only lingering question I really have is to do with artificial clay versus natural clay. Why do we interact with natural clay in a different way than we interact with artificial clay? Is it the colours? Is it the atmosphere we re learning in or is it something more?

Field Placement Resources

In my field placement I was exposed to a lot of new resources. I learned about a lot of new resources that I would like and will using in my own classroom in the future. The first main resource I learned about in my placement was seesaw it is great resource for connecting home and classroom. I also learned about GoNoodle which is a great resource with a huge variety of movement break activities. My teacher also shared a resource with me that she created, called ball words to help students learn sight words.

Seesaw was one of the most beneficial resources I got to learn about in my placement. Seesaw is a great app for students, teachers and parents that help everyone stay connected to what’s happening in the classroom. In my placement classroom students are trained on how to use Seesaw. The know how to log on and how to add photos. Throughout the day students get to add their work then the teacher can approve it then the families can see it. This is a great resource to help bridge the gap between school life and home life.

Seesaw - The Park School

Another great resource I was exposed to in my placement is GoNoodle. GoNoodle is a site that has a large variety of movement break activities. The activities are quick and easy to access they come in a variety of lengths and levels. Therefore I think this is a great resource to have in my pocket as I begin my teaching journey.


My supervising teacher also shared one of the resources she created, called ball words. The ball words are levelled sight readings words for the kids to work through. All the kids start at the first level and once they can read all the words on that level without hesitation then they move to the next level and so on. This is a great resource cause its easy for the students to just pull them out and work on at any given time. Moving forward in my own classroom in the future this is definitely something I would like to use.

Evidence of subject area projects & resources

ECS 303

For my Pre-Intership I was placed in a grade 1/2 classroom in a kindergarten to grade 8 community school. This school provided me with a lot of learning opportunities and new experiences cause it is much different than the school I attended as a kid.

In the first section of my Pre-Intership I got to visit the classroom once a week for 8 weeks. In this portion I got the oppuruntinity to teach a variety of subject areas. I also was exposed to various teaching types like observing, co-teaching, independent teaching and teaching connected lessons.

My co-operating teacher encourage me to take risks and try new things. The experience and feedback was very critical to my learning and I feel like it was overall a great learning experience.

Teaching Manifesto

Educational Philosophy

Pre- Internship

Differentiation : Adaptive Dimensions in Practice.

Professional Learning & Reflections

Treaty Education: Indigenous Knowledge & Perspectives

Pre- Internship Lesson Plans and PDP

Week One- Informal Introduction Activity – Co- teaching

In week one we did a informal activity to get to know the students. This allowed me and my teaching partner to get comfortable in the classroom. Here is a copy of the activity we gave the students

The exemplars we made.

Week Two- Developing Problem Solving Strategies & Skills- Co- teaching

This lesson allows students to examine a decision-making process. We will start the lesson with an introductory book, “My Magical Choices” this will invite students to begin thinking about the choices they have and how their choices impact their life. Then we will move on to vocabulary where we will focus on “problems” and “choices” to help ensure that students understand the terms being used in the lesson and activity. We will also briefly discuss the process of making decisions. Then we will have the students cut and color to prepare for the activity. Then finally we move to the activity where students get the chance to practice decision making. To finish off the lesson we will quickly reflect on the decision-making process.

Week Three-Identifying Beginning, Middle, End and Setting- Co-teaching

This lesson allows students to practice identifying the 3 major areas of stories. We will start by identifying the 3 areas beginning, middle and end then go right into the book. After the book we will discuss as a class what things go into each area. Then students will work individually drawing and making a short sentence about each part. Finally, students will be given another sheet that focuses on examining the setting as an introduction to setting. Then will color the different houses and then make or complete a sentence about each house.

Week Four- Exploring Pumpkin Characteristics and Life Cycles- Independent Teaching

This lesson plan allows student to examine different parts of plant life while still being fun and relating to Halloween. In this lesson the students will be introduced to plant cycles and be able to examine the changes a plant goes through. Students will also learn about characterises. Then we will apply what we know about characteristics to characterizing a pumpkin.

Week Five, Six & Seven- Little Red Riding Hood Story Investigation- Independent Teaching

In this lesson student are going to get to investigate the three main areas of Little Red Riding Hood. The three main areas are setting, character and problem and solution. In the first day of the lesson students will focus on the setting of the story. When examining the setting we are going to be looking for elements like; location, time of day, what we see in the setting, what we hear in the setting and maybe what smells would we have in the setting. This will help students to develop a strong understanding of the setting in our story. Day 2 of the lesson will focus on character. In the character lesson student will get to be more hands on by using provided materials to create a visual representation of the main character Little Red Riding Hood. Students will also examine traits of the personality of the character. In the final day the students will be examining the problem and solutions in the story. They will also explore possible other solutions that character could have done. Overall this lesson will provide students with lots of time examine and explore the carious elements of a story.

Week Eight- Traditions and Cookie Decorating

In this activity students where introduced to self and began exploring traditions that shape our sense of self. Students shared traditions, stories or celebrations that make the unique. Then I shared a tradition that makes me unique which is Christmas cookie decorating. Then students got to take part in my unique tradition and make Christmas cookies. Tis was a very fun and interactive lesson for my last day of placement.

Land Acknowledge

I would like to acknowledge that I live and learn on treaty land. which is the traditional lands of the nêhiyawak, Anihšināpēk, Dakota, Lakota, and Nakoda, and the homeland of the Métis/Michif Nation. As I continue to learn and teach on these indigenous lands I will continue my journey to Truth and Reconciliation as I vow to never stop learning about the traditional peoples of this land.

About Us – Treaty 4 Gathering

Guest Responses

Topic- The Importance of Names and Stories

3 Big Takeaways, New Understandings

  • A name is more than just a name. It has a bigger purpose. A name is the first thing we know about our students and this name can tell us a lot of important cues like; country of origin, gender and language. These are all really important because they provide the first insight into our students lives. Therefore, I feel students should be encouraged to use their entire name and not change their name as we see happening in the honour their names article.
  • Students don’t care if you mess up, they care if you try. In both articles Honour Their Names, and On Behalf of Their Names, teachers choose not to use students’ names or pronouns because they are afraid of messing up. However in the article On Behalf of Their Names one teacher says she doesn’t use pronouns because she doesn’t want to mess up but the student reply’s by saying “ Messing up isn’t the problem, we know it’s hard to get used to, we actually just want you to try.” (Deych ) I think this is a key concept that I will try to remember as a teacher, just try that all the student wants.
  • I believe you. This method is modeled in the article I Believe You. The adults simply start their response by saying I believe……..The article claims that the staff and students could both sense a shift in the classroom climate and their relationships with the teacher.  As a future educator the I believe model is defiantly something I want to try to implement because I think it would be a huge asset for building relationships as a teacher.

2 Connections 

  • One connection I had comes from the article Honour Their Names. In the article Alejandro Jimenez discuss how the ESL teacher had issues pronouncing his name and instead just decided to call him Alex. Similar I also have a long name and often when I meet new people, they ask can I call you Amber. When I was younger, I would always say ye it didn’t seem like a big deal to me. However, on time I was asked what I preferred to be called in front of my Nana and to my surprise she got rather upset. She told the person “Call her Amberlee, if her parents wanted people to refer to her as Amber, they would have named her Amber.” From that experience I realized the importance of my name. So now when people ask if they can call me Amber, I just say no I prefer Amberlee.
  • The second connection I made was to an experience I had at a school last week. I was in a grade 4 classroom working as an educational Assistant the teacher had the students working on an “about me” essay. This activity was very similar to the activity done in the “Seeing Ourselves With Our Own Eyes” where the kids where encouraged to create a list of “about me” things and then make it into a poem. I think both these activities are great to get students to look at themselves through their own lens.

1 Question

What might be some of the best ways to learn students name pronunciation?

Topic- Becoming an Anti-Racist Educator.

3 Big Takeaways, New Understandings

  • Don’t send “difficult or different” student to other staff to deal with. In the first article Dear White Teacher lots of the students are Mrs. Lathan’s classroom because she is the same race as the students so she will be able to help them better apparently. However, that’s not true at all and simply sending students away will make it very hard to earn or keep the respect of these students. Also if you are constantly having someone else deal with your students you are unable to build a relationship with that student, which will only lead to more issues.
  • It’s important for students of all races to be treated equally. This theme appeared in various articles, but it was always evident that the students, parents and other staff wanted all the students to be treated equally. All the students are different and it’s important to examine each students needs and do our best as educator to give them what they need.
  • Being an anti-racist educator. As we go out into our future as educators we can expect students with a variety of different racial backgrounds. As educators we understand that we need to love and support all students equally. We need to recognize that we are lifelong learners and we will learn alongside our students. Furthermore we need to search for ways to teach in a n inclusive holistic approach that makes all students see their value and importance. Anti-racist society begins in our classrooms.

2 Connections 

  • In the Dear White Teacher article it has tips for contacting children’s parents. It says if you need to ask how to say their name properly and then remember it. This stood out to me because last week we discussed the importance of a name and now we can see it reoccurring in this week’s articles. Furthermore, referring to students and parents by their name can help create relationships with parents and it is also a symbol of respect in my opinion.
  • In a few of the article it discussed learning with your students and begin a forever learn as a way of starting with self in anti-racist teaching. This relates a lot to my experience as an educational assistant in a First Nations classroom I had this past spring. When I first started, I didn’t really know much about Nakota people but I learned alongside the kids and I got to see and learn the beauty of their culture.

1 Question

What are some strategies to show inclusiveness in our classrooms that we can do without making the more diverse students feel on display?

Topic- Generosity

3 Big Takeaways, New Understandings

  • Punitive Discipline vs Restorative Justice- This was an interesting concept to me because when I went to school, I only ever experienced punitive discipline. I like that the restorative justice approach allows the teacher to approach the student and the problem on a mutual level. Restorative justice allows the teacher and student to work together to solve the problem as opposed to having the teach create punitive measures.
  • Restorative Justice and Relationships- One thing I found really interesting in the articles was the connection restorative justice and relationships. They discuss how building a bunch of relationships or a circle of support for a student can support them and help them come to common grounds rather then facing punitive discipline measures.
  • Restorative justice big picture- I found it very intreating to see how restorative justice needs to be understood and practiced by all members in order to work well. Like in the article they discussed how we couldn’t just have one PD day and then implement it because people won’t have the proper knowledge and it needs to be a transition. Also from my own experiences can see how restorative justice might be difficult to implement in a community or place that uses punitive discipline because the families and children won’t understand the process or the importance.

2 Connections 

  • I connected to the restorative justice article because my parents used a more restorative justice approach to parent me and my siblings when we were growing up. I enjoyed this approach because it allowed me to be part of the decision-making process.
  • My second connection was in the video the women discusses asking children if they could have done worse instead of saying could have you done better which students and children often hear. My nana used to always say this to me and as I kid, I didn’t really understand but it always helped to not make me feel bad. Like if I was doing something and made a mistake, she would always say well oh well you could have done a lot worse and she would never really get upset which was super refreshing to me as a kid.

1 Question

Is it possible to implement restorative justice in your classroom if the entire school practices putative discipline? What kind of barriers may exist?

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