
A link to the filled-in rubric can also be found here:


Selection of artifacts – For this portion of the rubric, I have given myself a 4/4. Everything included in my e-portfolio clearly relates to the content and to concepts discussed in class. For example, I included an image of the board game used with the Mexican students which were incredibly beneficial when explaining the activity in my reflection. As well, my reflections included images to further describe and add context to what I was saying in my reflection posts. 

Descriptive Text – For this portion of the rubric, I have given myself a 4/4. Within the reflection posts, I explained each of the artifacts added. In either a caption or the first paragraph of the reflection, I would reflect back to the artifacts to highlight the importance of them. Additionally, each of my reflections had a date added to the post. 

Reflective Commentary – For this portion of the rubric, I have given myself a 4/4. Within my reflections, I talked about where I have gained more knowledge from the course content. In my first reflection, I began by stating where I was before this class began. Additionally, I also talked about my linguistic background. I also included goals within my reflections at the end for what I hope to achieve either by the next reflection or in the future. I also critiqued my work and oftentimes would counter-argue my original thoughts/assumptions before learning certain class content. 

Usability and Accessibility: Text Elements, Layout, and Colour – For this portion of the rubric, I have given myself a 3/4. Within my e-portfolio, I used fonts and sizes that were very easy to read. Where I lost a mark in this rubric corresponds to the subheadings since I only used these in reflection #2. Within the reflection, the space alignments made it easy to read and organize any of the content included. Lastly, I chose colours that were not overpowering, but still added a bit of the colour to the points. Links and in-text citations were also used throughout all of the reflections. 

Writing Conventions – For this portion of the rubric, I have given myself a 3/4. I want to believe that were no errors in grammar, capitalization, punctuation, and spelling. However, I always end up missing a very small amount of the corrections that need to be made. Therefore, I have given myself a 3/4 since very minor editing and revision may need to be done.