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Author: Brooke Platt

I am currently in my second year of my Bachelor of Education After Degree Program at the University of Regina. I am also an Education Assistant with Regina Public Schools.
Expanding my Horizons

Expanding my Horizons

This week I continued on my Duolingo journey, while also watching some YouTube videos as well. I am now on day 21 of my Duolingo streak and I am still on section 1, Unit 2. I am feeling like I am very behind but I do know that I have learned a lot already and I am proud of myself. It isn’t easy to learn a new language and I think I expected to pick it up a lot quicker…

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Duolingoing Slow and Steady

Duolingoing Slow and Steady

Hi y’all, It’s been a while since I have shared my progress on my learning project. I currently have a 16 day streak on Duolingo which means I have practiced my French on the app 16 days in a row. Some days I practice for 5 minutes and others I practice for a bit longer. I haven’t yet explored any other way to learn French but I am hoping to listen to some podcasts and try watching some YouTube videos…

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Skitch…Sketch or Fetch??

Skitch…Sketch or Fetch??

The tool I tested out this week was called Skitch. The application looks like this: This tool is extremely useful for taking a screenshot of things on your MacBook. I particularly liked that you could draw on the captured photo with a pen tool, you could put “X”or arrow stickers on it, you can type written messages and you can even put shapes on it. Here is an example of a screenshot I took on my MacBook and the things…

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How Much Does Technology Influence my Day to Day?

How Much Does Technology Influence my Day to Day?

Every morning☀️ when I wake up, I find myself unlocking my phone📱 and opening 1 of 3 apps – Snapchat, Instagram or TikTok. The other popular apps on my phone are Facebook, VSCO and Emails. I spend a lot of my time either on these apps or thinking about them. 💭 These apps are primarily for leisure and social interaction and I have realized that they seem to be a waste of my time since they are so unproductive. These…

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Take me to Paris: An Intro to my Learning Project

Take me to Paris: An Intro to my Learning Project

I have recently been very interested in learning to speak a second language. This interest sparked when a couple of my friends started speaking to each other in French when they wanted to share a secret or a message that they didn’t want everyone to hear. I was amazed at how fluently they spoke the language without much practice. I also find it very fascinating when people tell me they can speak multiple languages and I always think about how…

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“Introducing Me!” -Nick Jonas (Camp Rock 2)

“Introducing Me!” -Nick Jonas (Camp Rock 2)

Hi y’all.🤠 My name is Brooke Platt and I am a second year Bachelor of Education After Degree Student. My first degree is in Business Administration where I majored in Marketing. I discovered that I wanted to be a teacher halfway through my business degree when I began working at Summer Sports School – a summer camp for kids that is ran here at the University of Regina. Check out my biography on the @urallkinected Instagram page to see what…

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