Last week I watched Andy Guitar’s first and second day free Ukulele lesson on YouTube. I had a lot of trouble with the new strumming pattern that was introduced in the second video. So I just practiced going over it again and again without trying to switch cords until I could get it down. Then once I figured out the strumming pattern, I found myself struggling to be able to maintain that pattern while also being able to switch cords fluently. At the end of the lesson we went over the song “Take me Down to The Riptide” which is a song I was hoping I would learn how to play at some point during this journey. I found Andy, went through this song extremely fast and I was never able to catch up, or I would mess up and fall behind trying to play at the same pace as him. This is were I changed the video to 0.5 speed. This allowed me to work on switching cords and playing the strumming pattern at my own pace, and getting comfortable with it. I ended up working my way to playing the song at 0.75 speed and it sounded super good and I was super proud of the strides I made from last week to this week.

Being able to change the speed of the videos on YouTube is such an amazing feature that is extremely helpful especially in fast paced videos like the one I was watching.

Next week, I am going to try Day 3 of Andy Guitar’s free Ukulele lessons, I am also going to look for a new site on a different platform and compare the two of them. I want to know which platform is better for promoting learning and what video is easier to follow and learn.