Category: Learning Project

Becoming A Cricut Master

As this spring course went on, I became craftier and craftier, thanks to my Cricut! However now that we are finishing up this semester, I will also be finishing up my learning project! Lets take a look at my progress. Week 1: Cricut Air Explore 2: Lets Do This Thing In this blog post I…

By elb776 June 18, 2021 2

What We’ve All Been Waiting For!

Welcome to learning project post #6 where I learn how to use Iron On Vinyl to make a sweatshirt!! I have been looking forward to learning how to make clothing with my cricut, but I wanted to save the best for last  This was my inspiration for the sweatshirt I wanted to make. First things first was…

By elb776 June 15, 2021 2

Testing Cricut Life Hacks

Welcome to my learning project post #5 where I put Cricut Life Hacks to the test!  Using a Cricut can be kind of challenging and very expensive so I’m hoping that these life hacks will make crafting a little easier and affordable! Life Hack 1: Cleaning my mat After using your mat the stickiness starts…

By elb776 June 4, 2021 2