Tweet tweet!!
I have been a user of twitter for many years however, I only utilized it as a source for reading about news or keeping up with friends. I never saw it as a source of learning within the education world. After participating in chats and learning more about what twitter has to offer I could not have been more wrong!
Twitter has quickly become a great learning resource for me in my education degree. It helps me connect with other professionals as well as provides different resources that I can use in my future teaching. So far, Twitter has been a positive learning experience for connecting with others. I have been able to communicate and learn from the people that I have followed.
I had found lots of useful knowledge searching with different #hashtags. I never fully understood or saw the importance of hashtags until I needed more information about a topic. Once putting the hashtag in my search bar, it connected me with others that were also using that hashtag. In addition, it helped me find others that are also taking #edtc300 with me this semester, what a fantastic tool to have!
I look forward to connecting with others through this app. I’m also excited to share and find different resources that will help me in my teaching career! If you’re interested in my twitter handle, you can find me here @tmckinnonnn