Knitting with your FINGERS!!
This week I was able to complete my scarf (yahoo)! I am very happy with my end result. I never realized how much time has to go into knitting and at first I viewed knitting as a class assignment that I had to finish and now I see it...
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First time code user!!
For my blog post this week I have decided to learn how to work with Hour of Code. At first it seemed like an impossible task since I am not very tech savvy. But I then reminded myself why I am in the course. I chose to take this...
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New stitches!!
This week on my learning blog post I continued to knit my scarf. As I continue to knit my scarf I realize there has to be a new blog post this week. I find myself in a pickle because I have not had to learn any new techniques to...
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Digital Citizenship!!
Ribble’s 1st point Digital Access is probably the most important of all nine elements. Without equal access to technology students become immediately behind their peers. If teachers expect students to use and access technology outside the classroom, most likely at home, there will be a vast division of haves...
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This is only the beginning!
To conclude the first chapter of my learning project, I was able to make a scarf but unfortunately was not able to make mittens (yet). My leaning project allowed me to learn a skill from only using the internet, how cool is that! Although my scarf isn’t considered perfect,...
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Time lapse video which then turns into an iMovie!
Hi everyone! Sorry for the late posts I have been down and out with covid. Although I was down and out, I was able to put many hours into my learning project. Thankfully I picked a learning project that allowed me to do it from the comfort of my...
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Did I do it??
This week on my learning project I have unfortunately learned nothing new. Although, I have still continued to work on my scarf. I never realized how time consuming this hobby can be! What I mean by saying this is, when I am knitting I have to be solely focused...
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This week for my learning project I taught myself how to connect a new ball of yarn to one that was nearing the end. At first, I wanted to find a new resource that would teach me this technique, so I searched and searched in hopes of finding something...
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Cyber Safety
When I was in high school, we were at the forefront of having technology at our hands. Because of that, we often knew more than our teachers did. Some teachers were somewhat well-versed in Facebook which was basically the only social media available at the time. During our health...
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