Last learning post :,(
Even though my learning project has come to an end my love for knitting has only just begun!! I still can’t wrap my head around how I was able to teach myself how too knit using only online resources! Week 1 – Who wants to learn how to knit with...
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Welcome to my blog post on cybersleuthing!! With this being an online class it’s been hard to make connections with my other classmates. However this did not stop me, it just pushed me out of my comfort zone! I reached out to another student who I was recently put...
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You heard it here first, I knitted with FLOSS!
Ok everyone, prepare yourselves for a cool learning project post!! This post was extremely tricky as I was over in the UK for reading week and did not bring my yarn or knitting needles with me. At first, I was just going to purchase some new knitting equipment. But...
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Is everything we hear true?
I am wanting/hoping to teach in the primary years. Children are very impressionable at a young age which makes my job as an educator that much more important. I need to teach children about how to identify what it true and what is false on the online world as...
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