This week for my learning project I taught myself how to connect a new ball of yarn to one that was nearing the end. At first, I wanted to find a new resource that would teach me this technique, so I searched and searched in hopes of finding something new. However, I kept coming back to one of the same resources that I used back on my first blog post, YouTube. YouTube was a great learning resource that had many videos to pick from. In addition to being a great learning resource for myself, I knew it was easily accessible for students so it would be beneficial as a teaching resource in the future. With this being said, I knew I could not go wrong with using it. After sifting through many of the youtube videos, I found one that broke it down perfectly.
After watching the video I learned the correct term for connecting two pieces of yarn, which was, “the magic knot”. As I continue to work on my learning project I also continue to add new phrases and words to my knitting vocabulary. At first I thought it was only necessary to use the magic knot when a ball of yarn was nearing its end, but I was very mistaken. This technique can also be used when you are wanting to change the colour throughout your project. Unfortunately I wanted my scarf to be cohesive throughout, so I was not able to try changing colours. Although, I think in my future knitting career I will definitely try this approach! Now back to my magic knot. For beginning knitters I found that this video was perfect to learn from, it broke down the magic knot step by step. After tying my magic knot on each side I pulled the two knots together and trimmed both edges. At first I was skeptical because it looked and felt like it was going to come undone. I tugged and tugged and it was indeed very secure. I then proceeded to knit my scarf 🙂 The magic knot worked perfectly and I am very happy with how my first attempt went!
Here are some other channels on how to tie magic knots! Also other ways to tie knots that I did not describe!