• EDTC300,  EDTC300 posts

    Are we safe on the Internet?

    What I recall of cyber safety was maybe all the grades before high school. I remember when I was little, working in the computer lab and with my friends trying to log into online games or Facebook but they were blocked. After that, I remember having small talks about how people can create fake accounts on Facebook to get your information, and you were supposed to avoid publishing your location, the school you attended, and so on. Then in high school and University in Mexico, you are supposed to bring your own devices so there were no blocks on mine. But we had the common sense of not posting anything…

  • EDTC300,  Learning Project

    Was I doing it wrong?

    While analyzing my previous video I could tell that I’m not even doing a proper hand posture. I think it’s something really important to fix as a beginner because those bad habits could be difficult to fix later at a more advanced level. I could feel in some songs my hand is not big enough but I could find videos and articles talking about how to improve your hand posture. One of the videos I found the most helpful was this one This channel has a lot of useful tips for beginners and with practice, I was somehow able to fix that mistake but sometimes I forgot and I started…

  • EDTC300,  EDTC300 posts

    The internet

    The internet certainly brought thousands of changes to society in general. But those changes were also reflected in the classroom. I cannot imagine teachers at that time suddenly being filled with new references to what was happening with the internet. It’s something that has never stopped evolving.  As the video “An Anthropological Introduction to YouTube” shows us, the group ages who are most active on the internet are the 18 to 24 group, followed by the 12 to 17. This means most of our students are the generational group who are more active on the internet, which means they will have a different perception of reality than adults, for example.  Nowadays the…

  • EDTC300,  Learning Project

    Getting somewhere

    For this week I tried a new online resource. It’s a webpage where you can find lots of music sheets for beginners   The bad thing is that you have to pay to get the music sheets. But you can print a sample (it only gives you 1 page free) and that’s what I did! So instead of getting 2 pages, I got 1 for free, so it’s okay because I’m still learning. I think it’s a great resource for the future because there are a lot of songs to choose from, even the newest ones! So later would be a great investment. This week I’m learning the Halloween Theme…

  • Teaching philosophy

    Educational Philosophies

    I believe in a teaching that can connect cultures and nurture communication. As an ESL student myself, my teaching philosophy is focused on inclusivity and empathy. I aspire to create a comfortable environment for my students and support them in their learning process. To create a safe space where they can explore the English language without fear of judgment, allowing them to express their thoughts and ideas freely. Understanding the challenges faced by language learners, for me it is important to approach my students with patience, compassion, and genuine understanding. Listen to their concerns and address their individual needs. Students need to be comfortable enough to reach their full potential…

  • About me


    I’m Fernanda Lehmann, an exchange student at the University of Regina. I’m from México and I’m studying to become an English teacher. I’m in my 4th year. I’m 21 years old and I have a lot of hobbies. I like swimming, I was on the local swimming team in my city, baking and decorating cakes and doing crochet. I love music and movies, I’m always listening to something or watching a new show in my free time. Back in México, I was also learning Italian and German but it has been difficult because you need a lot of time and a lot of practice. It’s my first time away from…

  • EDTC300 posts,  Learning Project

    Am I a TikToker now?

    I’m a frequent user of TikTok for entertainment, but this will be the first time I actually create and post videos. I found that the app has really good tools for making videos using your phone. I’m familiar with video editors on my laptop but I have never used one on my phone. I could find a lot of great tools such as cutting pieces from your video, you can find an immense variety of songs, add text, images, stickers, and so on.         This app can be taken into the class, but it would have to be done carefully. Especially if you’re teaching kids. TikTok often…

  • EDTC300,  Learning Project

    How to read notes

    To start from the beginning, I need to know how to properly read the notes in a music sheet. This week I’m focusing only on that, I don´t want to rush because it’s a lot to digest. I found YouTube to be my best ally and found this video and channel to be helpful. I´m trying to memorize the positions on the music sheet, the different notes, how long to they are, the divisions on the music sheet, and with which hand you should play each part.   This video made me feel better about cheating on my previous piano learning history. I just memorized the songs, watched people playing…

  • EDTC300,  EDTC300 posts

    Me and my tech habits

    Most of my apps are used for social interaction. I really like Instagram, WhatsApp, and TikTok. As it is my first time living in a different country to avoid being Homesick, I stay in touch with my family and friends through WhatsApp. It is amazing how technology brought people together. Instagram is the one in which I share my special moments and, as a fan of taking pictures, I’m really active there. Even tho I like to stay organized, I haven’t downloaded a specific one to organize. I’m more traditional in that sense and I just write the weekly assignments I need to do in my notebook. But the UofR…

  • EDTC300,  Learning Project

    This time I’ll finally sit and learn how to play piano

    As I told you before, sometimes I fixate on things I want to learn, so one time I asked as a birthday present to have an electronic piano keyboard, I promised my parents I would learn by myself, but then I started University and left it aside to learn Italian and German. My mom was angry at me because I didn’t use it, so once in a while, just on school breaks I would watch YouTube videos to start learning, but I could only start to learn how to read the notes and how to play some basic songs, but because I didn’t have enough time, I’m at a beginners…