Tyler Rationale Blog 2

Through out my elementary years and even high school years I have came across the Tyler Rationale many times in my learnings. Teachers were always so straight forward on the lessons we took in as it was almost the same pattern over and over and over. We would get taught a concept through the smartboard, then us students would do some practice questions on the topic and a few days later have a test or quiz. I always hated the practical set out ways of being taught because everyone learns different. Personally I am a very strong math student but somwtimes found myself struggling on tests because my ways of learning are more hands on. Another example would be writting a essay, we always got so much time for pre writing, the then rough copy etc.

Tylers Rationale limits students personally, this is the case because every student should feel diverse. Every student shouldn’t be judged on the grade they get at the end of the class, every student should be able to learn in the way that they are able to suceed. I feel that is the huge point of education to help students for the real world and to prepare them not to have them not being able to succeed. A example of this is typical high school class is a huge you take notes go home do a assignment. Well I know many people who can’t focus on somehting for that long so they are constanly finding themselves behind or stressed out which I don’t think is fair cause everyone is different.

The benefit of this is plans are organized already, it’s easy to teach. it is straight forward and as teachers makes sense. It makes education a lot smoother as the plans and objectives can be used over and over and it keeps education moving.

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