N 1.1 Lesson Plan: How Many Can You Count?
This lesson plan aligns with outcome N 1.1. In this lesson, the students will practice counting to both 20 and 100 using math cube links. Link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1R673hKSzL-UxcnILcqKCh_Wv9p_sNiJ2rqPYZ4lohfU/edit?usp=sharing
PE 1.7 Unit Plan
Attached is a link to view a unit plan for the outcome PE 1.7. This unit plan revolves around students gaining control when balancing, walking, running, and jumping. Link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/118lhN7JNEz-rVQ2u-XkxnWBc4dxJUBtOd2SegS2pxqk/edit?usp=sharing
Grade One GSD-Inclusive Lesson Plan Series (Health, Arts Ed, Social Studies, and English Language Arts)
https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1D3rM4oGaoeBjT-aYTm8yt6DrZNFNBxYetw-sjsa_ChU/edit?usp=sharing Attached above is a link to a Google slides presentation that has three cross-curricular lesson plans. These lesson plans revolve around GSD-inclusive learning for grade one students.
Plants & Humans Needs: Grade One Lesson Series Including Science, Health, Social Studies, and Treaty Education
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1yki9W1twvmRsxq8wRkLpw3CcdNqZ_hGbxw8EwWSCwzs/edit?usp=sharing When you click on this link, it will take you to a cross-curricular unit plan. This unit plan revolves around the theme of the basic needs of plants and humans to remain healthy and survive. The subjects incorporated into this unit plan are Science, Health, Social Studies, and Treaty Education.
Environmental Education (Grade one)
https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1E-sOzZQ4VbjCbR7_DwgrP8Tlopppmt_OGEVFy-_NZL4/edit?usp=sharing This link will take you to an environmental education resource package for grade one. This package includes books, songs, and videos to use while teaching. It also includes field trips, brain breaks, and lesson plans.
EAE 201 Lesson Plans (Drama, Dance, Music, Visual Art)
Drama For this lesson, the teacher will work with the students to create a script about certain animals coming into contact with flowers (Scandrett, 2021, Class 8). This lesson plan would relate to CP1.4 which is to “use language, visual images, and other ways (e.g., movement, sound effects) to represent ideas both in and out…
Summary of Personal Learning: A Semester of EDTC300 Learning Shrunk Into One Video
Hey everyone. Check out my summary of personal learning video! I have also attached the script (with links as references) below the video. If you click on this link, you will be able to view my Google slides used in the video as a reference. Enjoy! Script Educational technology. This is the term that I…
Contributing to Others in EDTC300: A Semester in Review!
In this class, I was constantly engaging with my classmates through Twitter, Discord, and our blogs. In this blog post, I will begin by talking about my contribution to the blogs. Blogs Contributions Each week, I ensured that I made anywhere from three to five comments on blogs. I actually ended up making a Google…
ASL in a Nutshell
While this post is supposed to summarize my ASL learning, I feel like this will not be the end of my journey. Although my time learning ASL for this class has ended, this isn’t the end. However, let’s summarize what I have learned about ASL so far. Week 1: The Introduction This week, I chose…
An Entire Hour of Beach Cleanup!
Coding. What is it? Isn’t it that high-tech stuff that mainly computer science people do? After the Thursday lecture and practice using Hour of Code, I have discovered that coding is more than what you think it would be. When I think about it, coding is everywhere. If I want to walk a certain way…