One Great Thing


For this lesson, the students will respond to visual expressions through movement (Scandrett, 2021, Class 6). This lesson plan would relate to CP1.1 which is to “create movements and movement patterns in response to stimuli such as stories, poems, music, or objects as starting points” within indicator (f) which is to “use movements in many different ways in response to a given stimuli” (Ministry of Education, 2011, p. 18). To do this lesson, the teacher will play a YouTube video on the overhead projector so that all of the students can see what is occurring. In the video, the students will observe several different types of flowers in the field. While watching the video, they can mentally or physically take note of the sizes and shapes of each flower. For example, some flowers in the video are short and wide while others are very tall and skinny. Once the video is over, the teacher will brainstorm with the students on the whiteboard. While brainstorming, they will write down how each of the flowers looked including size, shape, and even colour. After writing all of the flower appearances down, the students will associate a certain movement to each type of flower. For example, a short and wide flower might have the movement of folding into a ball on the ground. If the teacher notices the students struggling to come up with movements, they could ask what it looks like to make yourself tall, short, or move around in the wind. Once movements have been decided, the students will do each movement with the teacher as a class. Some learning resources to be used in this lesson include scaffolding when the teacher is writing things down on the whiteboard and online videos walking through fields. 

Video example:

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