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Author: vct725

The new technological reality

The new technological reality

The technology has become part of our social and professional life as television or other invention at their time. It is important to realize where are the benefits and where the technology is harming the society. As analogy, the automobiles have brought a faster movement from point A to point B, but to much speed also, can hurt innocent people. Today’s society, especially the business or commercial environment push all of us to depend by technology. Either we are using…

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Twitter as a professional networking tool

Twitter as a professional networking tool

The Twitter platform look like more for professionals. It easy to navigate, to post or to retweet. I thought that is more socializing for other purposes, and maybe it is too. The way how  is the EDTC 300 & EDTC 400 is proposing the use of Twitter is fantastic, exciting and engaging. I am looking forward to learning more about it. I have enjoyed the saskedchat even I was a bit surprised about the fast interactivity and the request for…

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My purpose with EDTC 400

My purpose with EDTC 400

I am originally from Romania and, presently, I live in Prince Albert.  In 2016, I took the decision to follow a teaching career. That’s why I got a Teaching Assistant Position with Saskatchewan River Public School Division and I’ve applied for a Permanent A Teaching Certificate to Saskatchewan Professional Teachers Regulatory Board. In November 2017, I was accepted as a Physical Education Teacher at Senator Allan Bird Memorial School from Montreal Lake. In this school, I teach Physical Education from…

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Professional Statement

Professional Statement

I have extensive experience and considerable education on children and youths of all ages in Romania and in Canada. From 2003 to 2010, I worked with ice hockey players from 13 to 20 years old as I was coaching in my former Sport Organization in Romania. Also, I collaborated with Romanian Ice Hockey Federation as Assistant Coach of the U18 and U20 Romanian Ice Hockey National Teams. From 2014 to 2019, I worked with Canadian youth and teenagers as a…

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