After last weeks learnings of rock & mineral physical properties, I provided a quick 5min assessment for students to complete. The first question was asking students to identify what a physical property is (the definition of “what makes each rock different”) and then to list 3 of the properties that we have learned so far within the unit (possible answers were smell, texture, colour & size). I was excited to provide this assessment, as we have now spent a week on this topic, and based on class participation, I believed students would have a good understanding of physical properties.
My goal for this class was assessment; ensuring that the assessment was appropriate/inclusive for all learners in the class and adaptable for certain individuals.
The following are the steps that I took to achieve my goals:
- Explain to students that we will be doing an assessment, but not to worry, we will do it as a class.
- Read aloud the assessment instructions multiple times to ensure students’ understanding of what is expected.
- Assessment will be projected onto the white board for students to follow along.
- Students will be writing 3 of the five words “colour” “texture” “smell” “size” “lustre”. It will be explained to students that spelling does not count and to sound out the words if they are not sure. My hope is that this task is not too difficult as I have written the four words on the board for them to visually see, the class we learned about the property and every class following.
- If _____ becomes frustrated, he may tell me his answers and I will make note of what he said, this is an adaptation that will still allow me to understand what he knows.
The assessment went really well during class. After class I took a quick glance at the students work and was surprised at the amount of incorrect answers. This lead to an incredible post conference where my coop teacher and I discussed how I could try creating a different assessment for the following class, but in a different way to see if students can recieve higher marks that then show their understandings.
attached is a copy of the data that has been collected by my coop teacher