This week for the learning project I found a fella on Youtube, and his channel is called “Danny Go!”; I will link his channel here: Danny Go! What a fun channel for kids to get up and move with super fun themes in the dance videos! The one that my toddler tried out with my two-year-old is called “Wiggle, Freeze, Spin + more! | Dance Along | Dance Compilation | Danny Go! Songs for Kids”. We definitely wiggled, we definitely froze, and we spun till we fell to the ground! I showed him a couple of Danny’s videos, such a Halloween-themed one. I am going to link the video here from Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XDJHcUkkjHA, and I will link the small clip of my toddler dancing to Danny here: Toddler Dances to Danny Go! It is really funny and interactive, again, the dance moves are child appropriate, the music is as well, a good dance break at home or maybe for schools to input into their movement breaks. I will add Danny Go to our daily routine for dancing!
Cheers to another week!
Deanna Gallipeau
Have you checked out KooKoo Kanga Roo? They are my all-time fav for movement and dance parties. I may have even got a special video shout out once from them….I fan girled hard that day.
Robyn Jones
OK, I have to say, the fire / ice song was pretty fun. I will have to subscribe to him and keep him in mind for younger grades. he is fun!