Curriculum as Numeracy

From my own experience with Math I never once thought of it being discriminatory and I cannot remember a time I though it was. Unless we are talking about being discriminatory to those who do not learn at the same pace, do not understand it, or need more help. The only area I noticed it…

By Sydney April 4, 2020 0

Blog 9: Curriculum as Literacy

In my home town of Weyburn we had a pretty mixed group of students within our school and I felt like biases were set but they were usually by the media or others around town and not so much in school. Through out we would learn about other cultures and we even touched on gender…

By Sydney March 10, 2020 1

Blog 8: Curriculum and Citizenship

In my K-12 schooling I cannot remember doing or learning any examples of citizenship. In my elementary years we would go to old folks’ homes to sing to them but it was something we had to do and we never thought anything of it. It just seemed like a nice this to do and many…

By Sydney March 3, 2020 2

Blog Seven: Treaty Education

Treaty Education is important for everyone to know no matter what many people believe or think. We need to taught it and need to learn about it because it is what makes our country the way it is. We all live and occupy Treaty land and are considered Treaty people no matter what anyone thinks…

By Sydney February 25, 2020 0

Blog #4: The “Good” Student

According to the article being a “good” student according to common-sense is a student who follows all of the set rules and does not steer away from them. They almost in a sense seem to me like robots as they do everything they are told and are always on time for whatever class it is…

By Sydney January 28, 2020 2

Blog #3: Assignment One Practice Response

The article I chose was by Jen Gilbert and the article is called “Intimate Possibilities: The Beyond Bullying Project and Stories of LGBTQ Sexuality and Gender in US Schools” I chose this topic as it is something I have seen multiple people struggle and these people have been somewhat close to me or I have…

By Sydney January 21, 2020 3