Day: May 18, 2020

TSP – Tell Share Post – TSP

This week, I officially found something to paint. I bought a dresser on an online garage sale from a young family who said they needed something bigger and that it was freshly sanitized. My family helped me pick it up in a little neighboring town. Once we got home we placed it in the garage where there is more room to work on it. 

The dresser came painted white on the wood, giving the dresser a distressed look. It needed a good clean and there’s no harm in cleaning and disinfecting things extra during this time with the pandemic. I needed to wait until there was a nice day outside where I could open the garage door and let the warm breeze in to let it dry. 

Prior to cleaning I had to find which cleaner would be best to use. I saw this video called “Cleaning Furniture With TSP Antique Restoration” so I checked out the cleaning supplies in our house and found some. TSP stands for Trisodium Phosphate. After watching the video, I decided to try to find more information about the cleaner so I read this short article that discusses what you should know before using TSP cleaner. Some things I learned were: TSP is used as a cleaning agent, builder, lubricant, food additive, stain remover, and degreaser and it is harmful to humans and can irritate the eyes and cause damage to the skin. 

What shocked me the most from reading was that Trisodium Phosphate is a popular nutritional supplement that may help  people exercise better. I was flabbergasted; TSP is dangerous to touch yet people can use TSP as a supplement. 

Once I started cleaning, I realized that the cleaning was going to take me longer than I had hoped for. It took TWO hours! I had to first wash it with the TSP mixed with water, let it dry (which didn’t take long on a warm day) then washed it with clean water and repeated this twice. See the picture below of a sneak peak of the dresser I purchased and the dirty water after cleaning the dresser! Stay tuned to see what the dresser looks like after it has been cleaned! 

Do you think the paint came off? Do you enjoy cleaning, painting or find it satisfying to see the progress you or others have created? Comment a picture of something you would love to paint on a canvas or a furniture piece as I would love to see your ideas! 🙂

Sooo Dirty!!
Sooo Dirty!!

Will School in the Fall, Fall Behind?

What are your projections for teaching & learning for this Fall? With information related to the COVID-19 pandemic constantly changing there is a lot of uncertainty. The public are continually learning new things each day about what is happening related to school, the workforce and the lives of people in Canada and around the world. As Saskatchewan plans to re-open on May 19 and slowly add more places that are able to re-open and more people are gathering makes myself personally a little nervous. I do not believe we are ready to re-open. When is the perfect time to start re-opening businesses is an answer I do not have. Do you feel safe and are you ready to get back to “normal?”

Learning in the fall may be different for all students. In particular, I read that the University of Regina released a statement, that discusses that classes may be online for the fall term 2020. As a student, this is a confusing time with so much uncertainty and is a concern for myself personally. 

I believe that I have an advantage if classes are moved to online because:

  • I completed my first year of my education degree while living at home through online courses. This allowed me to be independent, learn about the resources that work for me, and explore zoom and UR courses more.
  • I am currently in EDTC 300 which has helped me learn more about technology and the importance of having a PLN.
  • I have access to a computer with good internet quality.
  • I have a great support system here at home where my family is. 

For this I am grateful, blessed and thankful. Being grateful, blessed and thankful is something my family believes. (*Side note my sister and I made the signs below to showcase our families beliefs!) I understand that some families are not as lucky as I am which would be a huge stress and worry for the students and their family. 

I am thankful, grateful & blessed.

What do you think teaching and learning will look like in 2025? I am not sure what teaching and learning will look like as we are still uncertain of what school will look like in the fall. In my breakroom in my EDTC300 class, the group I was in discussed how classes may be online for high school and post-secondary students, but we felt it would be difficult and may be a lot of responsibility for elementary students (and their families). We also discussed what if there was NO school in the fall. This bothered me the most because students may get behind very quickly if they are not at school. This made me think of some questions I have if all classes resume online: How will teachers approach different learning styles? How far behind will students get? Are we becoming behind or are we learning new and better ways of teaching? How many students do not have access to the internet or a computer?